Give Him "The Real Gift" For Father’s Day


*This post is sponsored by Adam and Eve* Give him the “Real Gift” this year.

I have always thought that Father’s Day was every day and that Mother’s day only came once a year. My husband has always been an amazing Father, but I didn’t truly appreciate him until I started traveling for work. I was a nervous wreck to leave him with the kids for three or four days. At first it was a nightmare to come home to loads of laundry and a big mess. I had to understand that he isn’t me and I can’t compare him to others. He kept the kids alive and most times he would surprise me with something when I came home. Sometimes the surprise wasn’t in his pants, and sometimes it was 😉


My husband did a fantastic job on Mother’s Day this year. He let me sleep in. He took the kids out for a few hours so I could binge watch Netflix. He gave me the gift of peace and quiet. It was amazing. I really wanted a day to myself.

I have given my husband golf accessories, dress shirts, ties, power tools, and car floor mats in the past. This year I asked him how I could make sure his Father’s day was a great as my Mother’s day.

Below is our conversation.

Me: What do you want for Father’s Day this year?

Husband: I want you.

Me: You already have that. Do you want golf balls?

Husband: Sure, but I also want you.

Me: OK. Do you need any new dress shirts?

Husband: Nope. I just need you.

Me: OK. I need to get you something better than me. Can you give me a hint?

Husband: I want you. I want “The real gift.”

Me: But you get me all year-long. How does getting “It” on Father’s day make it a “gift?”

Husband: Because I always want to do it. Here is how I would like my day to go.


~Wake me up and we do it.

~Feed me breakfast and then we do it.

~Watch Star Wars with me and then we do it.

~Feed me lunch and beer and then we do it.

~Take a nap with me and then we do it.

~Make me spaghetti and meatballs and then we do it.

~Pet my back until I fall asleep, then wake me up so we can do it.

Me: Wow. OK. So I see you have given this a bit of thought.

Husband: You asked me what I wanted.

Me: I can’t remember the last time we did it twice in one day. You want to do it like seven times. I’m not sure that is even possible.

Husband: Anything is possible.

Me: Do you remember last week when you pulled a hamstring and I had a leg cramp and we needed to take a time out? It wasn’t pretty.

Husband: But I got the job done.

Me: Touche’.

Treat your man like a King this Father’s day and have some fun with him. I am sure that after the second round, he will be fast asleep with a smile on his face, but I am blessed to have a good man who still thinks I am “The Real Gift.”

If you think your husband would also like “The real gift” head on over to Adam and Eve and use PROMO CODE: PASSION for 50% off one item and free shipping on your entire order. Head over and stock up on some goodies that will put you both in the giving mood.



  1. Cool gift for father’s day. It is hard for us to choose a gift for my partner, father, friend, etc. Maybe I can take into consideration. Thanks


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