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Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson
Karen writes about the good, the bad, and the ugly of parenthood as well as issues related to social justice. Follow her as The 21st Century SAHM and find her work on sites such as Scary Mommy, Babble, Her View From Home, and Sammiches and Psych Meds. Karen also is the author of I Brushed My Hair Today: A Mom Journal for Mostly Together Moms.
woman with cleaning products in her hand smiling

I’m All About Normalizing “No Days” This Summer Because My Kids Are Living Their...

I know that summer is a popular time to do a "Yes Day" with your kids, and if that's your jam, go for it...

I Teach My Kids to Fight (Back)

I want very much to raise kind, compassionate kids. My husband and I try to model generosity and philanthropy for them. My son is...

Minecraft is Educational (And other ways I justify excessive screen time)

Summer! Time to get out of the house and ride bikes and take nature walks and make bucket lists and catch worms and have...

Dear Kids, Here’s a Recipe For a Good Life

Dear Kids, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who you will be when you’re older. There’s so much I want for you in this...

These Years Are The Parenting Sweet Spot

The early days of motherhood are a foggy half-conscious dream, or a nightmare some days. You wonder if you’ll ever leave the house again,...