I’m Over at Scary Mommy!



I’m so freakin’ thrilled to be featured on Scary Mommy today! This is the second time I’ve made an appearance on Jill’s site and it really is one of the highlights of my writing career. She is admired and loved by so many, myself included. In fact, she is one of the reasons I started blogging.

If you’re visiting from Scary Mommy and have never been here before, let me tell you a little about myself and what you’ll find on MommiFried:

  • I’m a mom to five awesome kids (ages 23, 21, 14, 2, and 8 months).
  • I married the love of my life three years ago, who happens to be a lot younger than me (15 years!).
  • I’m a pet parent to an old German Shepherd, a crazy cat, and African Gray parrot that says “I’ll kill you!” a lot.
  • Last year I published The Mother of All Meltdowns along with some other rockin’ mom bloggers.
  • I launched a self-publishing biz earlier this year called Blue Lobster Book Co. If you’ve been dreaming of publishing a book or turning your blog into a book, give me a shout! I’d love to help you! I’m also open for submissions for two new books! Check it out!
  • I have a second “secret” blog where I write anonymously (if you’d like to know where, how, and who, send an email to mommifried @ gmail.com (no spaces).
  • I’m working on a second business with my husband. All I can say right now is that it involves two of my favorite things: blogging and bubbly! Be on the lookout!
  • MommiFried turns two on July 1!

Here’s my brood:

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Here on the blog you’ll find a mashup of posts. I have OCD so I’m all over the place! I try to post a weekly recipe because everyone seems to like these, especially Pinterest. These are mainly crock pot dishes and baked goods, although I am known to get a little crazy. I often post about trends, parenting, things I find on Pinterest, and blogging tips. If I had to describe MommiFried in one word I would called it a “hybrid” (with teeth).

If you’d like to follow me on social media, here’s where you can find me:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MommiFried

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mommifried

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/wikicrystal/

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+CrystalPonti/posts

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/crystalponti

Instagram: http://instagram.com/mommifried

I’d also love for you to add me to Bloglovin’ or subscribe to receive updates! Thanks for visiting!



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