8 Fitness Tips for Stay-At-Home Moms


Motherhood is anything but easy. With all the frenzy involved in raising the kids, it can be difficult for moms to find some alone quiet time for themselves. Indulging in fitness activities can seem like a distant dream.

Can you recall the last time you visited the gym or went for a brisk walk in order to stay fit? Whether it is 5 a.m. or 5 p.m., you’ve probably got your kids lingering around you every minute along with an entire household to manage. However, in no way does this imply that you have to bid adieu to your dream of getting back in good shape.

Here are eight fitness tips that will help you stay fit while managing your demanding timetable.

  1. Make a Pragmatic Plan and Write It Down

Being a full-time mom can take its toll on your short-term memory. There can be times when you are unable to recollect the key tasks that need to be finished. Your house is a mess, you have to shop for groceries, the laundry awaits your attention, and bills are to be paid. Your busy priority-list forces you to push fitness to the backseat and squeezing in an exercise routine seems impossible.

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With this in mind, you must set realistic and achievable fitness goals for yourself. Start with sparing 15 minutes of your time for daily exercise. Of course, there will be days you will miss your workouts, but forgive yourself for that and start afresh the next day.

Pen your schedule on the calendar to keep yourself accountable and focused. What gets written gets done. Mapping your health program on paper will structure your time, and there will be a better chance of you sticking to the plan.

  1. Play with Your Kid While You Work Out

Most adults imagine work out sessions as going to the gym, running on a treadmill and lifting weights. However, any form of physical activity helps burn calories and keeps you fit, and this includes playing with your child.

Kids often have unlimited energy for anything that they enjoy. Partner with your child by turning your workout sessions into a game. Play a game of Frisbee, which involves a lot of physical movement. Visit the playground and race with your kid while taking frequent breaks. Stay active on weekends by going for walk, bicycle rides, hikes, and camps.

Regularly monitor the distance you have covered. Consider investing in fitness monitors that help you keep track of the calories burnt and the number of steps taken in a day. You will find a wide range of fitness-related equipment on Idealo.in.

  1. Dance to Your Favorite Number

Dancing is the most enjoyable way to get your heart rate up and work off all the extra calories. Put on a song that your kid loves and dance around the living room like no one’s watching. Let yourself loose as you lose the excess fat. Studies have proven that Aerobic dancing alone can burn up to 443 calories every hour. Select some videos on YouTube and start off with your little one.

A majority of people enjoy dancing and hence, the likelihood of adhering to this form of workout is higher. Dancing also makes you flexible as it engages multiple muscle groups.

  1. Plan Fitness Play Dates

Do you have other stay-at-home mom friends who love working out? Share your fitness journey with them and their kids by organizing a fitness play date. Forget about the calories you are going to burn, simply try and have fun. Schedule a date with your mommy-friends and meet at home for an indoor workout session or some place outside for some outdoor fun. You can go ice skating or swimming with the group and spend some time socializing with friends too. Make having fun a crucial component of your fitness regimen to make sure you enjoy yourself.

  1. Plan and Have a Balanced Diet

When your kid is acting moody and difficult, don’t get so caught up with managing the tantrums that you neglect your health. Plan and prepare nutritious meals ahead of time by including lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, and nuts, and keep granola bars handy as snacks.

Mayo Clinic recommends that mothers of toddlers must consume 400 extra calories to stay in good health. Encourage healthy eating habits and you will see your child following suit. When you feel hungry, go for a crunchy salad or munch on sprouted beans rather than on fast-food items. Keep yourself hydrated at all times. Skip sodas and colas. Favor fresh fruit juices and smoothies instead.

  1. Practice Mindfulness

Meditation doesn’t always require you to close your eyes and disconnect from the world for hours. 10 minutes of mindfulness is as beneficial as any other high-intensity workout. Meditation can mean taking a quiet walk in the park, being mindful of your breathing or singing a soothing lullaby to your kid. Thus, the next time you feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, permit yourself to hit the pause button and meditate.

  1. Find Time to Relax

It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child. This is because raising a child is an arduous task. Further, more often than not, your clock will never match your kid’s clock. It is, therefore, important for you to try and rest as much as possible whenever you get the opportunity. This is crucial for the healthy functioning of your mind and body. Never feel guilty for sleeping it out; you deserve it.

  1. Ask for Help

You cannot do everything by yourself. But you can surely involve those around you in raising your child when you need to work out. Ask your husband to watch over your child when you go for a run. Involving your parents will not only give you some time for yourself, but will also strengthen the grandparent-grandchild bond. In fact, your folks will love to help most of the time. You can also arrange for a babysitting swap with a close friend.

If you feel there are too many strings attached with taking favors from loved ones, hire a nanny or register with a gym that has a certified child-care facility attached to it. It’s all about committing yourself to self-care. Help is available, provided you look for it.

Being a mom is fulfilling, yet challenging. The routine chores and responsibilities can leave you so frazzled at times to the extent that your own health is neglected. With multiple tasks to perform, exercise and fitness are the first to get scratched out of the priority list. The above tips will put fitness back into your agenda so that you are in the pink of health, always.


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