Why Am I Cramping Before My Period?


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If you are actively trying to conceive, you probably pay very close attention to every ache, pain and cramp in your body. You may be noticing things you have never noticed before. One of those things could be cramping in the middle of your cycle. It is a phenomenon called Mittleshmerz, and it is completely normal.

As many as 50% of women experience pain during or after ovulation, according to a recent survey we conducted.

What is Mittleshmerz?

Mittleshmerz comes from the German words for “middle” and “pain.” This makes sense because it describes a cramping pain that occurs at the time of ovulation, which is usually in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This condition is common between the ages of 14 and 40. Keep in mind that you could be cramping for other reasons, so it is important to keep track of your cycle and talk to your doctor if you think there may be cause for concern.

What are the symptoms of Mittleshmerz?

Cramping is the main symptom of Mittleshmerz, but it can vary in severity among women. Some women feel intense sharp pain while others only experience a dull cramp on one side of their lower abdomen. You will feel Mittleshmerz on the side where your body released the egg, so the pain should not encompass your entire abdomen. It may last anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. If you are experiencing cramping that lasts for more than a few days, contact your doctor. Scientists have studied the Mittleshmerz phenomenon at length, but they are still unsure why some women experience pain and others do not.

What happens during Mittleshmerz?

When you ovulate, your body prepares to release a mature egg from its capsule, called a follicle. There is a fluid that is also released with the egg, along with some blood. During this process, there are a few things that could cause cramping. The blood or fluid may cause some irritation as it is released or bruising may occur from the ovarian wall rupturing. Ovarian and fallopian tubes contract during ovulation. This may also cause cramping. So while we cannot say exactly which part of the process is causing cramping within your body, there are a few potential causes.

Does this mean I’m pregnant?

A common misconception about Mittleshmerz is that it indicates pregnancy. It does not. Mittleshmerz is simply a product of ovulation, so it may occur any time you ovulate. It does not matter whether that cycle resulted in a pregnancy or even whether you have had sex. However, there is a chance that your cramping may not be Mittleshmerz. If cramping occurs after ovulation, there is a chance that it is what is known as implantation cramping. This is a positive sign that you are pregnant. Do understand, though, that not all women experience implantation cramping. So if you do not feel cramping after you ovulate, you may still be pregnant.

Philip Druce - Founder Of Ovulation Calculator (1)Author Bio – Phil Druce launched Ovulation Calculator after a personal family battle to get pregnant, Ovulation Calendar aims to provide the necessary tools and educational resources for those couples hoping to achieve a safe and healthy pregnancy.


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