Home Authors Posts by ginareneefrancis


I am a single mom of two adopted, almost teenage, children named Mireya and Christopher. Our adoption story is very different from most. In a quick conversation, I had mentioned wanting to do foster care someday. One phone call later, I began the required courses... mind you, I was still in college and only 25. Crazy, right?! I began as a non-adoptive short-term foster parent. I initially wanted to focus on their transition home. My very first foster placement was for one beautiful little four year old girl and one big eyed tiny two year old who were supposed to stay with me for two months. Nine years later, here we are as a now adoptive family of three! In this crazy, unpredictable life, who would have ever thought that two children born in the state of Washington would end up living in rural Illinois with a small town teacher? Serendipity. Our story has so many “coincidences” that we have to believe it was meant to be! I am also a fourth grade teacher. We live in Central Illinois and are big fans of the St. Louis Cardinals. We even named our little Yorkipoo puppy Yadi! The kids keep me pretty busy with all of their activities and sports, however; our favorite things to do together is travel. One goal of mine is to see all 50 states with Mireya and Christopher before they are too old to take a trip with their Mom. (But if I am paying, I am guessing they will be up for the trip at any age!) As adventurous as we are as a family, I am very excited to begin this new journey as a writer too!
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Got Lice? Why I Am Sold On Using Licefreee! Brand Treatments

This post is sponsored by LiceFreee. Avoiding lice is an insurmountable task for every parent, child and teacher everywhere.  By the third day of school...

Dear Summer, We’ll Miss You.

Sweet, sweet summertime...why do we have to leave you behind?  Some parents are counting down the days until the first day of school.  Some...