This post is sponsored by LiceFreee.
Avoiding lice is an insurmountable task for every parent, child and teacher everywhere. By the third day of school in August, the school nurse was sending home students in my classroom because of lice. I went into immediate panic mode.
If you are a parent who has ever had the dreaded phone call from the school stating that your child has lice, you know the feeling.

It doesn’t matter if your child goes to school in a high poverty community or to an upper class private school, lice is everywhere without discrimination.
Have you seen the Jimmy Fallon episode where Jennifer Garner comedically talks about getting the lice call from her children’s school? She even met George Clooney for the very first time with lice treatment in her hair!
So, do not be scared or panic if your child gets lice. Find answers to your lice QUESTIONS at LiceFreee..
Most lice is spread between children from 3-11 years of age.

Schools are a hotbed for lice as children are there together for many hours a week. According to the Center for Disease Control, lice infestations are spread most commonly by close person-to-person contact. Dogs, cats, and other pets do not play a role in the transmission of human lice. Lice move by crawling; they cannot hop or fly.
Does your scalp itch yet? Even talking about lice gives most people the heebie jeebies. Did you realize there is a common type referred to as “super lice?” Super lice are resistant to many of the treatments out there. Licefreee! Brand treatments will kill off even the most stubborn “super lice” and their eggs? That’s a serious breakthrough.
It takes a lot of self-control when you see a head full of lice.
It is really hard not to scream. Sitting at a small group table, reading with a group of kids with their heads down in a book, only to look at them and see tiny little creatures crawling in and out of their hair like a jungle gym.
Teachers have to calmly get the student to the nurse quickly and quietly. Everything needs to be discrete because you do not want other students to know and many times, the student does not even know that the recent itching was from lice.
Every single year, teachers are continuously cleaning and making sure there are no lice in their classroom.

Classrooms have rugs, bean bags and 20-30 students with coats and book bags where lice can hang out. The need to clean every single surface arises when you get the notification of lice. Thanks to non-toxic Licefreee! Brand treatments, we will all have “lice free kids and worry free parents!” Not only does this company have treatments for lice, but they have a daily shampoo to prevent it. That’s a double win in my book.
Chronic lice occurs when the families treat them once then do not maintain the treatments nor clean the surfaces in their house.
With Licefreee!, they make everything so easy with most items need within the kit. The kit includes the treatment gel with a really handy comb applicator. I have seen and used other brands but this treatment is very easy and all of the gel is applied directly at the scalp.
There is a fine toothed lice comb to get all of the lice and nits out of the hair strands. In addition to the treatment, the kit comes with the daily shampoo to continue to be sure all of the eggs do not hatch and result in a re-infestation.
It is much better to be proactive when it comes to lice

Rather than waiting for lice to come to you, make sure you are proactive. Licefreee! has plenty of tips to do just that on their website.
Licefreee! has a home spray that kills those multiplying little creatures on contact. There is nothing more satisfying than spraying those little bugs and knowing every surface is clean. Luckily, the smell of the Licefreee! Home is pleasant too. It has a citrus clean scent and does not stain.

Along with the Licefreee! Everyday! Shampoo that I use to ward away pesky lice, as a teacher, once a week, I make sure to spray down the bean bags, cushions, desks and chairs in my classroom. This has proven to be effective.
So, next time you get the phone call stating that your child has lice, look for Licefreee! Brand products to save the day.