Home Authors Posts by Karen Lesh

Karen Lesh

Karen Lesh
Karen is an avid writer, content creator, marketer and blogger. She contributes to several parenting sites as well as shares her own adventures, stories, tips, tricks, and heart -- about being a M.O.B. (Mother of Boys) and so much more -- at www.mobtruths.com and on social media. Follow to join the fun!

It’s 2021 and Why Are We All Still So Freaking Tired?

Can you believe we’re coming up on a year of this “new normal” that still doesn’t feel quite normal at all?  Sure, we’ve learned...

To My Spirited Child Who’s Always In Trouble – I See You.

I'm not an unfair parent, though I know you think I am. Truth is, you think I only see the times you get in trouble. But I see so much more. I see YOU. And I wouldn't change a thing.