Setting up the baby nursery is always an exciting project! It doesn’t matter if you’re having a boy, girl, or waiting to see what gender your little bundle of joy is — nursery nesting is so much fun!
Preparing for the birth of your baby includes many things, but getting their room and space set up and ready might be the most fun! Get excited because you literally have a blank canvas to create the perfect space for your newborn to come home to.
Do you have to have a theme for your nursery?
You don’t — not at all. If you have a theme in mind, great. If you don’t, roll with it. Nursery themes are fun and all, but it’s a baby room, so don’t stress over a theme. Just have fun choosing a room you love.
What are some popular themes for baby nurseries?
There are so many baby themes to choose from! Nurseries can be themed any way you want, but here are a few ideas to get you think-tanking.
- Farm animals
- Zoo animals
- Owls
- Pink or blue
- Space
- Fairy tales
- Starry Sky
- Princess/Prince
- Flower or vegetable garden
- Elephants
- Nautical
- Fairies and gnomes
And these are just a few!

How far in advance do you prepare the baby nursery?
There’s really no set time to start prepping your nursery, so have fun with the process. If you want to start nesting when you’re 3 months pregnant, go for it.
If you’re a crammer and wait until the last minute, so be it. Do you!
If you do choose what you want to do with the room before your baby shower, be sure to share it with friends and family so they can help with the decor.
What items should you put in a nursery?
Keep in mind that while the baby nursery should be functional, we know you’re going to want it to be cute, too.
Filling it with decorations is important, but don’t forget you need to have a crib or bassinet in place as well as a rocking chair or glider. Practicality is still a must. A dresser for clothing and a shelf for books and toys are helpful too.
Will your newborn baby even use their nursery?
This is the million-dollar question! Some babies start sleeping through the night right away while others may not ever use their nursery, at all.
Just because you might be uncertain about the future use of the nursery, don’t let that stop you from creating the nursery of your dreams.
Do moms ever change their nursery theme?
You bet! Hormones and decisions are real when it comes to pregnant mommas! Just because you settle on one theme doesn’t mean you have to stick with it! (You may even decide to change it up as the baby grows into a toddler and needs more play space.)
If you do change your mind last minute, go with it. It’s your nursery too and you’re going to be pushing that bundle out your lady bits in a very short time.
Now is the time to start planning out your baby nursery and getting an idea of what you’re looking for! Have fun with it! This is a great time to gear up and get excited about welcoming a baby into the house!