Take it or Leave it Podcast – Episode 14 – Sideways with Cat & Nat


Welcome to Take It or Leave It, an advice-ish podcast for parents brought to you by Grove Collaborative.

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Grove Collaborative – Cleaning with a “Friend”

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On this week’s episode of Take it or Leave it, we had the Famous, Cat and Nat on the show. Things went sideways as we discussed Mom fail moments, Mom shaming, and how receptive our spouses are to our careers. We had a blast chatting with these ladies, but please know the content of this weeks show is explicit.

You can download this podcast on iTunes and Google Play Music. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. Please make sure to leave us a review wherever you download this amazing podcast, ranked number one across the charts. I mean in our hearts. I’m your host, Meredith, from That’s Inappropriate.

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This podcast will discuss all things marriage, motherhood, and everything in between. Please remember we’re not professionals at anything you may actually need, so any advice we give you, you can take-or leave, because it might be crap. So welcome to Take It Or Leave It.



  1. I absolutely loved this show! I have never heard of cat and Nat before but after listening to this podcast I am going to def be looking them up and following them any way I can! Great show ladies. I look forward to the next season!

  2. Seriously my husband is SO sick of hearing about “Meridith and Tiffany This…and Meridith and Tiffany That..” and “On MY podcast…” Haha but seriously you two are the best part of my day right now! (I’m almost caught up and I started this podcast…first one! 2 weeks ago ..that’s like 5-8 a day hahaha no joke!) Love you girls!


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