What to Do if Your Teenager or Young Adult Has a Drug Problem



Drug addiction can happen at any age, and nobody is exempt from the risk of becoming an addict. Teenagers may become addicted to drugs for a number of different reasons, whether they started trying a drug simply to experiment or have fun or as a result of more serious underlying issues such as depression, anxiety or chronic stress. If your teenager is using drugs and continues to use them despite the real risks of harmful consequences, you may need to come to terms with the fact that they could be suffering from addiction. Teen drug addiction is a terrible time for any parent, which is why it’s crucial to know the best things to do in order to deal with it in the best way for both of you.

Getting Help

If you discover that your teen is addicted to drugs, the first thing that you should do is get help for them. Bear in mind that shouting at your teen, getting angry, or even having a serious talk with them may be able to help change their mind-set a little, but is highly unlikely to have any long-lasting effects on the improvement of the addiction. Addiction to drugs is a serious illness and should be treated as such, by taking your teenager to speak to your family doctor or therapist who will be able to advise them on which steps to take next to aid their recovery. In some cases, you may need to consider a rehabilitation program, such as programs for methadone detox and methadone recovery.

Be Supportive

As a parent, the first thing that you probably want to do when you discover that your teen has a drug problem is to give them a good talking to, at the very least. However, for teens – or anybody – suffering from a serious drug addiction it can be difficult to listen to reason and logic, as the need for the drug is stronger. Although it is difficult, the best thing that you can do is offer your support and guidance to your teenager. Understand that they probably did not want to be addicted; it is very likely the result of one thing leading to another. If you are firm with your teen yet also supporting of them in their recovery, you’ll find that they will find it easier to trust you with problems and come and tell you if they feel that they are relapsing.

Medications and Recovering

Depending on the type and the withdrawal effects of the drug that your teen is using, you may be able to get medication from the doctor which your teen can take in order to help aid their recovery. When your teen is successfully in the recovery stage, you should encourage them to take part in activities or even exercise which is not only beneficial to their physical health, it can also relieve withdrawal symptoms and improve their mood. Simple things such as taking your teen to the gym or going for a run together can not only aid recovery but also strengthen your bond.

If you have a teen addiction story to share, please do so in the comments.


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