Things That Drive Moms Mad!!!


I love my children. I love my children. However, sometimes they do things that drive me crazy 🙂 Check out a few things that drive Moms mad and share this with someone who can relate. If you like this video, head over and check out my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.  I will be doing a vlogging course in November and we will also have a great coloring contest as well 🙂


  1. Lol. I soooooooooooooo love my children. 🙂 I cant tell you how many times i have found groceries under beds, under pillows, empty, just gone. Clothes we wash like 3 times a week an its 90 percent of the time clothes they havent even worn but tossed on floor while getting their outfit for the day out an then shoving the cloths in floor of closet. Lol. I so should share some of my videos. Lol

  2. Story. Of. My. Life.
    Cereal gets eaten the same day! Snacks don’t exist, POOF! Gone!
    Our daughter is in a huge growth spurt right now and she literally eats from 3pm until 9:30pm. Anything and everything.
    Last night she drank three cups of pickle juice. No that’s not an auto correct….Pickle juice. No actual pickles.
    She went to the pool and came rushing home about two hours before I expected her. Why? Yeah, I asked that too…..she sharted. From too much pickle juice. I laughed.
    So you got room in your hand basket for me for that trip to hell? LOL!
    -Crystal Andersen-

  3. As a stay at home mother of 3 boys, all under the age of 10. I want to thank you for being so raw and honest. I just love following you. Somedays I feel alone on all this journey of motherhood and your a great reminder that I am not. Nobody’s perfect and all mom get overwhelmed at some point. So again thank you and congrats on your new journey with joy of moms!

  4. Thank you so much for being my animal spirit in this lifetime. I have said word for word what you are saying, daily. Every.Video. Why, just-WHY? Have our children just lost their minds or just never got one?

    Can I just say that when I was a kid, the snack thing wasn’t happening. At my house, when the kids are home, every 10 minutes they are asking for a snack. (just now, my four year old waltzed into my office asking for another snack-ACK!!!!) My mom had a bowl of fruit on the table and some yogurt in the fridge if we were lucky.

    The poop on the hand towel-OMG, I was howling…are they bear clawing it down there? Probably…

    Anyways, thanks for all the laughs! I am enjoying the fact that we are all suffering with this illness called parenting. Misery loves company I suppose.


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