Viral Tweet Sparks Flurry Of “Funny Things Kids Say” Comments And It’s Hilarious


Kids are known for saying the darndest things; they say exactly what’s on their minds, which can lead to situations that are really funny… or really, really awkward.


There are many social media accounts devoted exclusively to detailing the unintentionally amusing things that children have said, because kids provide an endless source of raw material.

Twitter user @donomo recently shared a tweet that demonstrates just how genuinely honest & funny kids’ thoughts really are- especially when spoken aloud. 

As an employee of an elementary school, @donomo is obviously accustomed to hearing such gems from the mouths of students. But this comment is oddly insightful, because it’s TRUE. 

This little kindergarten dude doesn’t know it, but he just nailed exactly what it feels like to be an adult, too. We all feel you, little man- we’re confused all the time, too.

Although the tweet quickly went viral with over 187K likes, it’s the comments that made this Twitter thread truly enjoyable with others sharing funny things kids say.

Fellow Twitter users were inspired by this amusing anecdote to express their agreement with this honest kiddo, & to share their own funny kid quotes. What follows is both insightful and hysterical! 

Many of the comments were in agreement with this kid’s admission of just how clueless he feels on the daily:


I couldn’t agree more- it took me decades to realize that I was just pretending to know what I’m doing in life, & this kid’s figured it out already!

Uh oh- so no such thing as “older & wiser”, huh?

And then there were those who shared actual examples of similar funny kid quotes; here are a few choice examples:


And every adult reading this just thought, “Me too, kid. Me too.”

That’s an actual thing! Did you ever get cornered by a kid who wanted to tell you all about the latest Minecraft video on YouTube? I can promise you: your ears will be tired. 


Nothing like a strong cup of java after a long day of… fifth grade?

The best defense is a good offense! And based on the way my kids try to wipe boogers on me, I guess I’m not their friend, either.

Where do they even come UP with this stuff?!

Kids share what they think- good, bad, or otherwise, and their innocent honesty is what makes them so damn funny. It’s easy for us to forget what it’s like to be so REAL, and this tweet thread is a hilarious example of just how refreshing a kid’s view of the world can be.

If you’ve got your own great example of a funny kid quote, feel free to share them in the comments!


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