Why All Moms Need a Copy of “Mom Life: Perfection Pending” Today

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Motherhood is a journey that should not must not be traveled alone.

We need our tribe. We need our mom friends for support throughout all the uncertainty.

We need an empathetic ear to listen when we share our stories of poop and sleep deprivation. We need kind and reassuring advice so we know that others have been where we are – wherever that may be at the moment. That is the only way we can truly navigate the beautiful and difficult ups and downs that come with the territory. We need our Mom BFF’s to get us through.

It is very rare to find a book that is like a Mom BFF in your back pocket. But, MOM LIFE: PERFECTION PENDING by Meredith Ethington is definitely one of them.

We need our tribe. We need our mom friends for support throughout all the uncertainty. We need an empathetic ear to listen when we share our stories of poop and sleep deprivation. We need kind and reassuring advice so we know that others have been where we are - wherever that may be at the moment. #momtribe #mom #tribe #parenthood #mommy #motherhood #momlife

Ethington has put together a beautiful book of essays on all things motherhood. From pregnancy and childbirth with a “real mom’s guide to pregnancy” tutorial, to the emotional “push and pull of motherhood,” she touches on it all.

Some pieces will make you laugh out loud because of their glaring truth.

For example, one hilarious chapter was inspired by Ethington’s VIRAL BLOG POST, “A Real Mom’s Guide to a ‘Clean’ House.” This chapter includes practical tips for keeping a tidy home that have every mom giggling and nodding along in solidarity.

Other essays will make tears well in your eyes as Ethington validates some real and raw feelings that all moms experience.

In a chapter entitled “Perfection is Pending,” she talks about the all-too-common feelings of mom guilt and inadequacy. Ethington puts to words our constant struggle to realize that despite not being as “perfect” as we wish we were, we are “perfect enough” in so many ways. She writes:

“Have you ever reminded yourself of all the things you are perfect at? Maybe in a moment when you’re beating yourself up, you could try it. Start small. Maybe you’re only perfect at one thing (I guarantee you there are more than one), but write it down. Say it out loud. Or just remind yourself during a moment of darkness.

I am “perfect” at dancing with my kids when they ask.

I am “perfect” at snuggling.

I am “perfect” at saying “I love you” before they walk out the door.

I am “perfect” at feeding them every single day.

I am “perfect” at showing affection. (We have lots of hugs, kisses, and snuggle time around here. Can you tell?)

I am “perfect” at apologizing to my kids when I know I’ve done something wrong.

I am “perfect” at teaching my kids it’s okay to have emotions.

I am “perfect” at trying. I try to do better every day.”

And don’t we all? All we can do is try everyday to be the best mom for our kids that we can be.

MOM LIFE: PERFECTION PENDING is the book every mom needs. Whether you are an expecting mama or veteran mom of teens, everyone will find something to take away from this book. And you can’t beat bringing your Mom BFF with you wherever you go.

Ethington recently SHARED ON INSTAGRAM a little bit about why she wants this book to get into the hands of more mamas:

Do you know a mom that sometimes feels like she wasn’t meant to be a mother? Do you know a mom that struggles with anxiety and depression? Do you know a mom that loses her sh*t on the daily? Do you know a mom That would rather laugh at the messy parts of parenting than see picture perfect? All of those describe ME. That’s what I mean by my heart and soul on paper.
I wrote this book for the mom that is struggling and needs a little bit of encouragement to know that she’s doing OK.


And, if that’s not something that makes you want to buy it, I don’t know what will.

Here’s where you can buy Mom Life: Perfection Pending

To read more from Meredith Ethington be sure to visit her website at www.perfectionpending.net and follow her on Facebook.



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