Jessica Guerrieri
The Bachelorette, Week 1 Recap – Clare Thinks She’s Met Her Husband
Clare the Crypt-Keeper Crawley, a tragically single woman at 39, is the oldest Bachelorette in 16 seasons of this cringe-worthy addiction.
She is literally placing...
The Message We Don’t Need: Pandemic Parenting Is Only Manageable Under The Influence
Early in sobriety, I would fantasize about all horrible things that could happen that would give me an excuse--a hall-pass to drink again. Enter 2020 and its unrelenting cruelty. Surely this would be the time to pick up and say, “To hell with it all!”
Mothering Adrift From Our Village Is Difficult Right Now, But We’re Survivors and Creative...
Remember back in April when I said Moms in the U.S. were not OK? Well, that was just a signal flare and now the...