Teresa Currivan
A Mother Can Be Bored With Motherhood AND Totally Consumed By Taking Care Of...
Let's face it, boredom in motherhood can be good, bad, and even ugly.
It’s surprising, isn’t it, how there are times when boredom is...
Is Your Child Struggling In School? They Could Be A Visual-Spatial Learner. Here’s How...
What is a visual-spatial learner?
Visual-spatial (VS) learners are individuals who think in visual memories and pictures in their mind rather than in words. They...
What Happens When We Misunderstand Gifted Kids
For most of us, the word “gifted” conjures images of privilege and automatic success. But what if I told you that gifted people also...
Why It Is Vital To Know If Your Child Is Gifted
For many of us, the word “gifted” brings to mind very specific assumptions. It’s an elite label that we put on high achieving children...
6 Signs Your Preschooler May be Gifted and Why It’s Important to Know
I had no idea what giftedness meant when I had my son. So, when he spoke his first word at 4 months, I thought...