Baby Bodybuilding: How to Develop Your Baby’s Muscles


Your baby is probably content to sit or lie and stare up at you from the comfort of the bouncy cushion. And you also probably love the softness and tender of your little marshmallow.

However, it’s crucial for the parents to understand the significance of strength training for their baby. Putting in mind that muscle development is a vital part of reaching physical milestones, this piece of writing provides an ultimate guide on baby bodybuilding.

What are the principles of baby bodybuilding?

The starting point

As a matter of fact, babies are born with no muscle strength or control. But these skills will gradually develop over time. From the midpoint of the first years, your little one should be ready for the training. Many training activities below will come as no surprise, but their impact on muscle development is undeniable.

The purpose of baby bodybuilding

The term “baby bodybuilding” should not refer to training your child professionally in gymnastic condition. Instead, it reminds us that we are trying to strengthen our kids and ready them for physically exploring the surrounding world.  Thus, most of the activities will relate to engaging your babies to move and lift.

Training optimization

The sedentary life with all the eating and sleeping, when combined with appropriate “workout’ will promote the fitness and health for your baby. But just like us the grown-ups, the exercise routine may become boring to them. It is thus crucial to mix things up and keep the motivation high. Also, remember to always provide enough nutrients to make up for all the energy your little ones need throughout the day.

How do you develop baby’s muscles?

Rolling around

Besides being a fun activity for your baby, rolling around helps to strengthen the body structure. Between the 4 and 7 months, most babies can roll their stomach to their back to get to where they want. When you realize that your baby can lift his head and neck up then raise his arms and legs, your baby is ready for the activity.

You can encourage your baby to reach and use his muscle by placing the toy in front of him. Some babies may not like it at first, but eventually, they will get used to the activity.

Doing the crawl

As your baby can conquer the floor, the crawling “exercise” can begin. The sign to know your child is ready for this activity is when you notice he is crouching on all fours to rock back and forth. Also, he may push himself with his hands to move forward and fall back with a bump sometimes.

The attempt to establish balance while crawling will help the baby to develop the strength of their legs and arms. The styles can also vary from baby to baby. Besides helping the child to move more, crawling encourage the navigating ability and judging the distance.

Sitting upright

As compared with rolling, sitting happens later, normally between 6 and 8 months. And if you think there are enough exercises for the legs and arm, sitting is then a perfect “workout” for the baby’s back and neck. And along the way, he will also learn how to balance the upper body.

However, before he can really sit upright, it may be a struggle to jockey himself into the proper position. Thus, it’s crucial to give him many chances to practice. Place him in the sitting condition and let him wave the arms to get the balance for himself.

Cruising and walking

When your baby becomes a toddler, she will sometimes try to move as fast she can. Initially, she will begin with cruising, taking step by step when holding onto something firm. As she masters balancing her movements, she will start to take the steps by herself.

Always encourage your baby to walk, even though the very first steps will definitely be ungraceful and awkward. More walking means more energy to burn, and more muscles to present in the baby’s body. To facilitate her walking, choose baby jumper that fits with her height and weight, it will be a helpful sidekick.

Stretching and massaging

A good stretch and a soothing massage will be a great relief after the workout. Stretching and massaging can also trigger the development of muscles, making your baby healthier and stronger naturally.

Babies love these relaxation methods as they feel the warmth and the love from the parents. Baby massaging before bedtime is an excellent way to promote better sleep and help the muscles to relax.

The bottom line

In short, baby bodybuilding activities are essential for the development of the muscles and the overall fitness. When accommodating these practices into your baby’s routine, it’s crucial to be aware of the safety and healthy diets for your kid. Eventually, he/she will enjoy the maximum effect of the “workouts”.

Author bio:

Emma is the founder of ShrewdMommy, where she and associates blog about pregnancy advice, parenting insights, tips for mommy. Those experiences will somehow help you in your search for questions about pregnancy and baby tips.


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