Bloggers: How to Ask for Comments


Hello- (1)

Recently the quantity of blog commenting has been on the decline. Even top bloggers are reporting a drop in the total number of comments on their individual blog posts. Seasonality has certainly played a role in less blog interaction. We are also reaching a saturation point in the sheer number of blogs that are competing for traffic and commenting love. There’s only so much time in a day for people to read their favorite blogs.

If you’ve been noticing this disturbing trend, don’t become a victim of Silent Blog Syndrome! A simple fix is to ASK FOR COMMENTS! There is no shame in asking for blog comments. Asking for comments is not begging or annoying. It’s a polite way to get your blog visitors talking and interacting. When you write and publish a blog post, you’re essentially laying the foundation for a discussion. Be bold! Ask your readers to chime in! And ask again (once shared on social media)!

Here’s how to ask for comments:

  • Ask a leading question at the end of all of your posts. What about a specific post is something your readers might like to talk about? What will inspire them or get them excited? Maybe the post is humorous. Ask a funny question that begs for a reply!
  • Drive the discussion by commenting first on an issue or a point. Sometimes people need a nudge to get the conversation started. Take that first step and give them a reason to leave their thoughts and viewpoints.
  • Let your readers know that their input is valuable and appreciated. Try something like, “I’d love to hear what you think about this issue. Let me know in the comments.”

When asking for comments, don’t be generic and boring. Posting “Please comment” is not very inspiring. Try to be more engaging:

  • Have you ever experienced a day like this? If so, I want to hear your story! Share it in the comments!
  • What tips do you have for dealing with a mouthy teen?
  • I’m still on the fence about coloring my hair at home. Should I do it? Why or why not?

What technique do you use to encourage blog comments?


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