The Most Hilarious Parents on Facebook That Made Us Laugh in 2017


It is nearly time to count down the last of 2017. The ball will drop, fireworks will light up the sky, and kids will try their best to stay awake to bang pots and pans with wooden spoons at midnight. While some might be ready to usher out the current year and welcome in the fresh and new with all of it’s crisp, clean possibilities, I wanted one last look at the brilliantly funny parents of Facebook. Over the last 12 months, they’ve let us in on the good, the bad, the ugly, and sometimes the WTH?! of being moms and dads.

But always, ALWAYS, the funny. Let’s face it. That’s what we’re here for, right?

So, in no particular order, here are my top 20 picks for the Most Hilarious Parents of Facebook in 2017. Thank you all for sharing your lives, and your humor, with the world via social media.

Trust me. It was brutally difficult to narrow this list down. You made 2017 side splitting and we on the internet are grateful.

Happy New Year, Parents!

  1. Seriously. Don’t. (That Mom Lady by Shawna Gove)
2. Oh. No. Not that. Please. (Bluebonnet Babies by Molly England)
3. Up at dawn. It’s like the 4th rule of Fight Club. (That’s Inappropriate)
4. I just got up!  (Dragging Feeties)
5. Priorities, People. (Rach Riot)
6. It’d be No. 1 on the charts. (Perfection Pending by Meredith Ethington)
7. It’s funny how she thinks they sleep. (Where The Eff Is My Handbook)
8. It’s a gecko. FYI.  (Simon Holland)
9. I’ve fallen and I’m NOT getting up. (Assignment: Mom)
10. Isn’t there a class or something? (Mommy Cusses)
11. Be careful what you ask for, Grandma. (Mama Needs A Nap)
12. RIP cellophane.  (Toni Hammer)
13. Thank goodness he understands me. (The Outnumbered Mother by Amy Hunter)
14. The jokes almost write themselves. (Mommy Owl by Lauren Lodder)
15. Hard work and a $35 copay will get you far.  (Ashley Austrew)
16. If at first you don’t succeed. Stahp! (The 21st Century SAHM)
17. And I never wear a bikini. (The Mother Octopus)
18. Already stocked up for the year. (Julie Burton / Writer)
19. Can’t fight that logic. (Explorations of Ambiguity by Andrew Knott)
20. As long as the photo is genuine. (Mia Carella, Writer)
We can’t wait to see what 2018 brings from the parents on Facebook. If you see something you think should be included in our round up, please tag Mama. We want to see it, too! Happy New Year!
Lauri Walker is a writer and a mom. She never sleeps so you can find always find her at Mama Needs A Nap on FB and on Twitter and Instagram. Seriously, go there. She’s probably on right now. And, make sure to stop by every Friday for her hilarious round ups of the funniest parents on Facebook right here on Perfection Pending.


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