The "Humble Bragging One Upper" Friend


We all have “that” friend. The friend who seems to be better at everything. The friend who is a better Mom, has more money, and life can be a piece of cake. Well guess what…Life is not a competition! Take a look at this weeks new video: The “Humble Bragging One Upper” Friend. There is no need to feel bad when your friend makes it out like life is a dream, and anything you can do they can do better 😉 Relax and go with the flow. If you liked this video, please make sure to subscribe to the website for notifications, as well as YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. As always, thank you so much for the support!


  1. I LOVE your videos that you do the way you talk an express yourself is so funny I laugh so loud my husband even watche an smiles keep it up and do all your stuff on videos I love them

  2. Yes. I love you. More than those other moms that left comments. Lol. Thanks for the laughs. Now I’m going to go make my daughter organic quinoa while teaching her to do cart wheels while speaking greek. She’s 11 months, so talented. Lol.

  3. I’m a mother of an 18 and 16 year old. Your videos bring back so many memories. Thanks for making me laugh- just love your style and candid sense of humor.


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