I’m A Mom Just Like You


I might have tattoos.
My hair may be green.
You might look at me and think “gosh she looks mean.”
I might have one baby, perhaps more like four.
But stop for just one minute because maybe there is more.
I might be a mom who loves super deep.
I do a great job kissing boo boos and brushing teeth.
I might look real different but my job is still the same.
I take care of my babies through heartache and pain.
It’s time to stop pointing and embrace who we are.
We’re Moms of all circumstances who love unbelievable hard.
So please bite your tongue if you see me at the park.
My role is the same as yours, to see my children through the dark.
It’s takes a village as they say to raise these tiny tots.
So as mothers let’s unite because our job is to love lots and lots.

Let’s end Mom Wars!




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