Kindness Calendars for the New Year


The New Year brings a fresh start, new opportunities and a chance to examine your environment to see if what surrounds you is positive or negative. While there is no “right way” to practice resolution-setting, this year avoid looking inwards for something to change and instead question if the people around you are being their best self.

Whether you see an opportunity to help a friend, contribute to your community, or make more time for family, a little organization and scheduling can make a big difference in reaching your goal. Whatever your goals are for the New Year, there are always opportunities to teach your children the importance of lifting others on your way to personal success. By spreading kindness you are more likely to inspire others as well as receive a little love in return. This can be in ways of sharing, saying thank you, or just thinking of others before yourself. 

To provide a family-friendly activity for the New Year your whole family can benefit from, FTD has created three “New Year, New Me” kindness calendars that are versatile for every month of the year.

Each calendar offers different objectives and one is geared at showing kindness to family and friends. These simple reminders will inspire both you and your little ones to be kindness conscious at school, home or wherever your life takes you!

They’ve also provided kindness challenges for you to try! Try these five challenges with your family or on your own to enter the new year on a positive note one kind act at a time. 

Give Back to Family and Friends 

Did you know that showing kindness attracts positivity into your life? Keep track of loving those closest to you with a daily reminder from the printable calendar below.

Family & Friends Calendar

Pick Up a New Skill 

Learning is a great way to stay sharp and increase your little one’s brain functions. Challenge each other to pick up a new skill or hobby to enhance your creativity and add some fun into your life! While learning not only rewires your brain and increases your ability to focus, it also helps you store memories.

Show Gratitude to Colleagues and Inspiring People 

The stronger your team feels the more supportive they can be! Show a bit of gratitude to benefit every member of your team. Your colleague’s esteem will increase and they will feel more inclined to help and support another! 

Colleagues Calendar

Invest in Yourself

Putting yourself first can be one of the most beneficial resolutions you can make. Show yourself some love by expanding your skills or knowledge, caring for your body and fitness goals, or simply cultivating your mental and emotional health. 

Pay It Forward to Your Community 

Give up some of your time and give back to your community. Teaching generosity to your children early can increase their mindfulness as they grow!

Colleagues Calendar

Enter the New Year spreading kindness and thinking of others – whether it be towards your family, community or yourself! Use a “New Year, New Me” mindset to spread compassion and inspire others to show some love as well.


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