Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party: Red, White & BBQ!


Ladies Only Blog Share

Here in the states we’re gearing up to celebrate our Independence weekend! All around the country, people will be enjoying fireworks, family outings, picnics, backyard BBQs and more. They’ll be searching for recipe ideas, crafts, things to do with the kids and even how to get barefoot and just relax (wait – that’s me). Let’s help them and each other find what we’re looking for by linking up our Red, White & BBQ posts for this week’s Ladies Only Blog Share! If you don’t live in the states, that’s okay. We still want your summery linkups in the form of food, creations, stories and outtakes. Don’t be shy! We had a great turnout last time and an absolute blast promoting all of your wonderful creations and awesome stories via our social networks. The feedback was incredible! To those celebrating, Happy Independence Day!

Once again, here are my talented and dedicated co-hosts:

Michelle from:


Angela from:

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Tamara from:

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Kristen from:


Make sure to bookmark or RSS feed their blogs and visit them on Facebook, Twitter and so on. They faithfully return the favor! In addition to the link share, five very special bloggers are also being featured. This week they are (in no particular order):

The Kitchen is My Playground – This has become one of my new favorite food blogs. Tracey loves to tinker with recipes, creating dishes that she can basically call her own. For me, there is nothing I appreciate more than creativity in the kitchen. One Playground recipe that I’m about to try, Southern Sweet Tea! You can check out Tracey’s full recipe index here. Lots in there for the 4th of July and other summer celebrations!

Another Jennifer – Jennifer and I share more than a love of blogging, we also share an awesome home state! Literally, we are minutes from each other so I’m hoping one day we can meet up for coffee. When you’re done celebrating this festive weekend, be sure to check out her blog for posts about life in Maine, parenting, art and more!

Beauty Through Imperfection – Direct from Texas, Paula of Beauty Through Imperfection is grounded and inspiring through her encouraging blog posts about living an imperfect life – which we all do. I LOVE her recent post “8 Ways to Help a Toddler Adjust to the New Baby” because I’ll be in that boat come October. Thanks for such a great blog, Paula!

Linkouture – Bev of Linkouture is an artist is every sense! When she’s not writing, she’s busy making beautiful jewelry, including chainmaille! She also enjoys crafts, thrift shopping and Zumba. Be sure to stop by her blog and introduce yourself!

Plucky’s Second Thought – As Plucky says, you don’t have to be Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray to attempt anything on her blog! Which is a really good thing. Infused with yummy recipes, easy craft projects and tips for healthy living, Plucky offers something for everyone. I encourage you to take her challenge and just dance – this weekend and for the rest of 2013!

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Ladies Only Blog Share

Let’s get started! Have fun and visit the links below. We ask that you try to visit at least three. Remember to leave a thoughtful comment on the new blogs you’ve discovered and let them know you’re visiting from the Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party! Feel free to pin your blog post to the Ladies Only Blog Share Pinterest board, too! In the URL field, place the link to your post. The name field should contain the title of your post. And if you’d like to co-host a future link party, give me a shout at mommifried @ (no spaces).

Use the hashtag #LOBS when tweeting!

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