The Mother of All Meltdowns: NOW AVAILABLE!



I’m SO excited to announce the official release of The Mother of All Meltdowns: Real Stories of Moms’ Finest (Worst, Completely Awful) MomentsIt’s been almost four months since the idea first came to me while, well, squarely having a meltdown in the middle of our living room. From there twenty-nine incredible women – my favorite bloggers on the planet – joined me to put together this tell-all anthology.

The anthology takes an honest look at the moments that bring even the strongest mama to her knees. Bonus content reveals the secrets to surviving the most harrowing meltdown with grace, composure, and maybe a little wine. Every mother, grandmother, and mother-to-be will relate to the stories in The Mother of All Meltdowns.

The book is currently available for download and in print from Amazon. You can also order it at your neighborhood bookstore and it will soon hit the virtual shelves of Barnes & Noble (for Nook).

So pour yourself a glass of wine, curl up in your favorite comfy chair, and enjoy a little motherly mayhem on us!


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