Non-Sex Ways To Boost Intimacy


This post is sponsored by Right To Desire. The author was compensated through payment and product. However, all opinions are the sole opinions of the author. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the drill- man and woman meet, fall in love, get married, have kids, the whole lot.

Although these seem to be the steps necessary for the perfect fairytale version of love, the reality is that real life is not much of a fairytale at all.

The real-life version of marriage with kids can be busy, exhausting, and involves a lot of time where you might not be connecting with your partner at all. Physical or otherwise.

If you are having trouble with sexual desire, there is a chance that it may be due to Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, a condition that affects more than 15 million women. Hypo means low, and HSDD is, according to Right to Desire, is a dysfunction that causes women to lose their sex drive, which in turn causes distress in their lives and relationships.

Although it can be a totally normal thing to not find that same spark when you are knee deep in life and the stresses of raising littles, it can be difficult for couples who are wanting to connect.

Non-Sex Ways To Boost Intimacy (That Might Lead to Sex Later)

Intimacy in a relationship isn't always about sex. Here are some practical and realistic ideas to boost intimacy in your marriage that you can do today. #intimacy #marriage #filterfreeparents

Talk About the Future

Sometimes it can be so easy to get caught up in the day to day drudgery that you can forget those dreams and goals that brought you together in the first place. Spending some time talking about your goals and hopes for the future is such a simple way to boost intimacy by having a meaningful conversation with your partner.

Have a Date Night

Having a date night is one of the key ways to stay connected in your relationship. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy- even a coffee date can be enough to reconnect in a way that isn’t interrupted by kids or responsibilities. We all get so busy, and it can be all too easy to skip these sorts of activities that can really be like a quick “tune-up” for your marriage.

Start a Hobby Together

Starting a hobby together might seem like a strange suggestion, but there is something powerful about working with your partner towards a shared or common goal. Whether it’s exercise, building something, or doing something basic like cooking or baking, these small moments of working together can help strengthen your bond and boost your intimacy in profound ways.

Go for a Hike

Even if you aren’t outdoorsy, going outside with your partner can be a thrill. Being in a different environment that is quieter and less populated than a restaurant or other social meeting place, can leave lots of opportunities to connect. You may find yourself talking and connecting more when you are out in the wild than you would just sitting at home.

These are very simple, non-sexual, practical ways to enhance your intimacy (that may lead to sex later)

Although sex isn’t the only thing that matters in a relationship, it is still immensely important nonetheless. Having both partners on the same page sexually can be a very important part of a marriage. Sadly, this isn’t always the case, and there are many women who suffer from a lack of sexual desire that affects their daily life and relationship.

Right to Desire is dedicated to helping raise awareness for women who suffer from HSDD. It is a legitimate medical condition that is treatable, and if you are feeling like you may be suffering from this disorder, you are not alone. There is a quiz available on the Right To Desire website that you can check out if you are wanting to learn more.

Ultimately, your sex life is important, and you don’t have to suffer from a lack of intimacy

You can enhance your intimacy in non-sexual ways, and also in physical ways as well, for the benefit of your happiness and relationships.


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