Why Parenting Is the Most Uncomfortable Job Ever


What’s the best parenting advice you ever received?

I used to answer this question with, “Expect the unexpected.” It’s a damn good of piece of advice because parenting is a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, but almost 11 years into this gig, I’ve come up with a different answer. “Get ready to be uncomfortable.”

Pregnancy is uncomfortable. 
Pregnancy loss is uncomfortable.
Pregnancy after pregnancy loss is uncomfortable.
Childbirth is uncomfortable.
Bringing a tiny human home from the hospital is uncomfortable.
Not sleeping for a decade is uncomfortable.
Asking for help is uncomfortable.
Not going back to work is uncomfortable.
Going back to work is uncomfortable.
Leaving your baby with someone else for the first time is uncomfortable.
Making “mommy friends” is uncomfortable.
Potty-training is uncomfortable.
Taking a small child into a public restroom is VERY uncomfortable.
Carrying the physical and mental load of motherhood is uncomfortable.
Standing in a bounce house is uncomfortable.
Playing Candy Land is uncomfortable.
Catching vomit in your hands is uncomfortable.
The first day of Kindergarten is uncomfortable.
Not being invited to a birthday party is uncomfortable.
Realizing your child is nothing like you is uncomfortable.
Realizing your child is EXACTLY like you is uncomfortable.
Giving a kid medication is uncomfortable.
Letting go of unrealistic expectations is uncomfortable.
Watching your kid disappear down the block on his own to go to school or a friend’s house is uncomfortable.
Seeing your child physically or emotionally hurt is uncomfortable.
Letting your child make mistakes is uncomfortable.
Witnessing the world chip away at your child’s innocence is uncomfortable.
Trusting that everything will be okay is uncomfortable.

Realizing you’re not nearly done on this wild ride and that it will never end is—you guessed it—uncomfortable.

If you dislike being uncomfortable like me, know this: You are not alone. Also, sometimes our greatest and proudest parenting moments result from being uncomfortable.


This post originally appeared on the blog, The Runaway Mama.
Jen Gregory is a writer, dance teacher, and expert grocery bagger. She’s also a mom and founder of the blog, The Runaway Mama. She wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but home raising her two boys, but like the little bunny in Margaret Wise Brown’s classic book, she sometimes wants to run away. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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The Runaway Mama by Jen Gregory
Jen Gregory is a writer, blogger, and founder of The Runaway Mama, a website and connected social media outlets where she chronicles the wild, exhausting, and sticky ride of motherhood with a mixture of humor and heart. Her writing has been published on Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, Mamalode, Sammiches & Psych Meds, and The Mighty to name a few, she’s been featured numerous times on the TODAY Parents and Perfection Pending weekly “Funny Parents of Facebook” lists, and she is a cast member in the 2018 “Listen To Your Mother North Jersey” show. She wouldn’t want to be anywhere else except home raising her two boys, but like the little bunny in Margaret Wise Brown’s classic book, she sometimes wants to run away.


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