People Who Feel Awkward Are My People


People who feel awkward are my people.

And, yes, we’re hard on ourselves, because half the time when we think we’re acting “awkward,” we’re probably not. 


I mean, how many of us have said, “I don’t know I guess I’m socially awkward?”

And our friend’s like “No, you’re not at all, look at me…”

We’re awkward when we don’t feel comfortable with ourselves.

We all feel this way when we’re being “real,” and maybe that “realness” differs from the people we’re around.

Because the authentic me isn’t exactly like you.

The authentic me cares for people deeply.

The authentic me laughs so hard when thinking about funny things in my mind, and it happens all the time.

The authentic me doesn’t agree with everything everyone says.

This comes to mind because, thanks to social distancing and quarantine, we’re all a little socially awkward right now.

The current situation is freaking weird, we’re walking around in masks, told to keep 6ft apart, and it’s like how the heck do we have a normal conversation when we’re struggling to hear each other, and don’t want to get close. 

We’re all a bit out of practice too. Our “worry-o-meter’s” are extra sensitive, which puts us at high risk for feeling painfully out of place.

Through this year of reflection, a lot of us have become better, more aware people, and that may make us feel more awkward going into conversations because we don’t want to offend anyone with so many hot-button topics in our world.

Also, we’re convinced that people perceive us as being awkward because … we feel socially awkward. But we’re not.

And if you ever feel out of place,
know every single person does at times–
and if you can’t think of one person off-the-cusp,
think of me.

You are my people.

People who feel awkward are my people.? ?And, yes, we’re hard on ourselves,?because half the time when we think we're…

Posted by Living A FULL Life on Tuesday, August 11, 2020


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