Whether we believe in no screens, some, or unlimited access from conception as parents we are in charge of the kids and the devices. At least that is what we tell ourselves. Sometimes, they are just a negotiation tool for quiet time.
And we are ok with that.
Screen time is a hot topic and you can count on the hilarious parents on Facebook to find the funny while they navigate the internet with their kids. And without them.
1. What goes around. (Perfection Pending by Meredith Ethington)
2. A whole new world. (Tragic Ally)
3. Oh, there they are. (Abe Yospe’s Comedy Page – Cheeseboy 22)
4. 3 hours recovery time for Mom. (Mom Cave TV)
5. UV rays are dangerous anyway. (Amy Dillon)
6. Do they have a Starbucks? (Hey Mom Hey)
7. Bliss. (Funny is Family)
8. It’s not 1813, Judy. (Paige Kellerman, Author-Humorist)
9. Three minutes, an hour, whatever.(Housewife Plus)
10. You’re the boss. No, YOU’RE the boss! (Punk Rock Papa)
11. Miming is fun, too. (The Messy Christian)
12. iPad mini. (Mommy Cusses)
13. Like and follow. (39ish Life)
14. Education we can both get behind. (Why did we have all these kids anyway?)
15. I think we’re already there. (Mama Needs a Nap by Lauri Walker)
Do you have a funny parenting moment for us? Do you want to the whole world to see it? Tag Mama Needs A Nap so we can share in the laughs. We might just share it on Facebook’s Most Hilarious Parents of the Week! If we can’t laugh at our kids, why’d we have them?
Lauri Walker is a writer and a mom. She never sleeps so you can find always find her at Mama Needs A Nap on FB and on Twitter and Instagram. Seriously, go there. She’s probably on right now. And, make sure to stop by every Friday for her hilarious round ups of the funniest parents on Facebook right here on Perfection Pending.
[…] AM GUILTY OF CREATING THIS PERSONA ONLINE TOO. Because, it’s funny. And, we’d rather laugh about our laundry piles than actually fold them, right? I mean, […]
[…] house? For us, we’ve always had rules about what they have to do after school before they can play on screens. But, I’ve found that it helps if I print it out and hang it somewhere in our house so that […]