This Is By Far The Best Marriage Advice I Have


I came home to find one last cookie in the bowl. I reached for it, almost put it in my mouth, but then I paused, and thought about the last time I ate the last cookie in the bowl.

Apparently my wife had been “saving it.” She almost cried.

So I stopped, thought, and then put the cookie back.

I once read that marriage takes maturity, self control, thoughtfulness, and leaving the last cookie for your wife regardless of how badly you want that cookie.

And listen to me, I wanted that cookie. Like… really bad.

I may be a little misty right now as I’m writing about that cookie. But I’ve learned enough about my wife over the years to know that the last cookie is always Mel’s.

In your marriage it might be the last sliver of brownie, scoop of ice cream, or fun sized candy bar. Whatever it is, if it’s the last of it, don’t eat it because until you get the green light, it’s your wife’s.

This is the best marriage advice I have, guys.

Stay safe.

Check out Clint’s hilarious forthcoming book “SILENCE IS A SCARY SOUND.” It’s about toddlers and it’s hilarious.

I came home to find one last cookie in the bowl. I reached for it, almost put it in my mouth, but then I paused, and…

Posted by No Idea What I'm Doing: A Daddy Blog on Saturday, October 19, 2019



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