To Those Who Have Suffered A Miscarriage


To those of you who have suffered a miscarriage.

To those of you who couldn’t imagine recovering from that loss.

To those of you who struggled to conceive after that.


To those of you who were changed forever by the grief and pain, never feeling like there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

To those of you who never felt whole again.

To those of you who cried and prayed for your body to be able to carry a pregnancy to term.

To those of you who couldn’t stomach family and friends constantly asking when you were going to have a baby already.

To those of you who internalized all of it because you just couldn’t bring yourself to talk about it.

To those of you who couldn’t handle watching everyone around you having babies.

To those of you who felt alone.

To those of you who desperately wanted to give your older children a sibling and felt like a failure.

To those of you who prayed, on your hands and knees, begging the universe for a baby.

To those of you who got pregnant, and instead of truly enjoying it, were plagued with anxiety at every doctor’s appointment.

To those of you who held your breath during each ultrasound until you saw the heartbeat.

To those of you who eventually had another baby and felt like you could smile again, feeling like your body finally got its shit together.

To those of you who went through the dark storm and got your rainbow when it was over, or are still waiting for that rainbow to magically appear.

To those of you living any version of these events, past or present, my heart is with you and you are not alone. You are strong and resilient and capable of more than you know.

To those of you who have suffered a miscarriage.To those of you who couldn’t imagine recovering from that loss.To…

Posted by Whine and Cheez – its by Rachel Sobel on Thursday, August 22, 2019

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Rachel Sobel — the heart and mind behind — winner of Romper's 2020 People's Choice Award is living the NEW normal: Marriage, Baby, Divorce, Remarriage, another baby. In between navigating massive loads of laundry, cooking 32 different meals for picky eaters, doing ponytails over until they are perfect with “NO BUMPS, MOM!” and double-fisting iced coffee, she finds time to write all of it down. In addition to being a published author and writing her own blog, she's a contributor for PopSugar, Mommy Nearest, Today Show Parenting Team and has work in Romper, ScaryMommy, The Huffington Post, Filter Free Parents and more. She hosts a regular Facebook/Instagram Live show called Live From My Closet every Monday night at 8:30pm. After working many years in public relations and communications, she decided she had enough after one particularly bad experience that made her question what the eff she was doing? She stopped with the “what ifs” and hatched a plan to leave the confines of a cubicle and live her dream as a full-time writer. (In her dream she was thinner, richer and had much more clothing without spatterings of spit-up and breast milk, but beggars can’t be choosers.) She’s pretty Type A but admits that you are more likely to find baby wipes and a half-eaten bag of Cheez-its in her purse than cash.


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