Viral “Eye Catching” Pedicure Is What Summer Nightmares Are Made Of, But We Are Here For The Comments


Sandal season is officially upon us and that means it’s time to get our toes summer-ready. 

Sure, you could always go with a classic pedicure and a neutral color, or you could kick it up a notch with the season’s trendiest brights.


But why not step out of your comfort zone completely and try something a little more EYE-catching?

If you’re sitting there, staring at your toes, and thinking “My toes could definitely use a little something-something,” we have just the look you didn’t know you were looking for.

Feast your eyes:

hand painted eye pedicure
Credit: FB/NAILPROofficial

I know what you’re thinking, “What in the actual fresh hell am I looking at?”

Your eyes do not deceive you. Those are, in fact, eyeballs. On toenails. And suddenly I feel the overwhelming urge to sing, “Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you.”

The website Nailpro, a “nail industry resource for techs, artists and salon owners,” shared the handpainted art by @nailedbytav on their Facebook page where the post has gone viral. 

They captioned it with:

“We will never unsee this 3D pedicure nail art by @nailedbytav for @itsbennyblanco hand painted in 3 hours!”

And now, neither will we.

FB post NAILPROofficial

You’re welcome. Forget “The Hills Have Eyes,” it’s “The Toes Have Eyes” now.

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

Can we just pause for a moment and appreciate the amount of detail that has gone into each and every nail? I mean, Tav toe-tally nailed it. It’s eye-popping, no?

Of course, beauty is in the EYE of the beholder, and there have been A LOT of beholders.

The post has garnered over 40K likes, 141K shares, and a whopping 144K comments so far.

It’s clear that the funny people of Facebook couldn’t just turn a “blind eye” and took the opportunity to poke a little fun. And the comments? Do not disappoint.

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

And while the consensus weighed heavily on the creepy side, there’s no denying that they’re also horrifically fascinating.

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

While simultaneously being the stuff of nightmares of course.

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

Probably freak you out? You are a braver soul than I. These would definitely, without a doubt, scare the shit out of me.

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

Same, Jane. Same.

Even the nail model himself, fellow artist @itsbennyblanco, was admittedly, a little freaked out.

He posted a comment on @nailedbytav‘s IG page, saying:

“i’m scared of my own toes.”

No doubt.

Speaking of @itsbennyblanco, it appears as though some viewers couldn’t SEE past his hairy toes.

hand painted eye pedicure
Credit: FB/NAILPROofficial

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

Some people even wanted to go so far as to give them a good waxing.

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

But wait a minute, not so fast. After all, it’s the toe hair that really “ties this look together.”

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

And let’s face it, there are certain perks that come with having eyes on the ground, so to speak.

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

Also, they could come in handy the next time some dude with a foot fetish asks for pics.

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

“And that was the last time he ever asked for a foot picture again.”

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

The downside, of course, is that they are a lot of work, which is why one commenter came up with a rather ingenious alternative. Googly eyes, anyone??

screenshot of FB comment @nailpro

All joking aside, there’s no denying that these are hands and feet above the competition.

This isn’t the first time @nailedbyTav has wowed spectators with her work.  

One look at her popular Instagram account is all it takes to realize that this nail technician/artist is all about the quirky, the creative, and sometimes, the slightly horrifying. 

From bedazzled nails…

…to crocheted toes and literally, anything else you can think of in between, her talent is truly outstanding.

As for painting eyeballs on my toenails this summer? That’ll be a no from me.

I think I’ll just stick with my tried and true, slightly boring, but not at all terrifying, “Baby Blue Eyes” (the color, not the eyes).

Just in case you haven’t had an “eyeful” yet, you can check out Nailpro’s original Facebook post here.


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