10 Things I Don’t Care About Since Becoming A Mom


10 things I don’t care about since becoming a Mum.


Sniffing butts out in public, poo under the nail, every form of poo explosion come at me. After rotating nappies on the daily with these two nothing really phases me.

Random hair growth or hair loss.

At first I was in tears, I honestly felt like I was either balding or becoming an ad for hair in all the wrong places, but seriously.. it’s hair… even if my husband still trys to pull away the hair on my neck and freaks when he realises it’s attached. A few months forgotten about obviously…

Pleasing people.

For so long I wanted to keep everyone happy, have everyone like me, so I said ‘yes’ alot. Now I’m comfortable saying ‘No’, me and my tribe come first.

Caring what I look like when I leave the house, if I make it out at all with these two then I deserve a medal.

Justifying, why I bottle fed with my first, why I had two close together, why I chose to leave my career.

I’m done with the excuses of why the house is a mess, justifying why I’m so tired when I ‘stay at home all day’. Maybe my days effort isn’t evident in the house but it will reflect in them, that’s all I can hope for.

Bottling it up, honestly vent, vent away and vent some more.

I get it, this life is beautiful but it’s also really hard. Let’s not pretend, let’s just strip away the layers until we can be open about the highs as well as the lows.


Wow I used to get suckered into this big time. It’s not healthy, no one has exactly what you have, I’m not talking about material things, I’m talking about our journey, memories, experiences… they will always belong to us and can’t be compared.

Superficial people

I’ve never cared for them but I just do not have the time. I might not be able to tell the ingredients in a person right away like the back of a food pack but it always comes out in the wash, I only have time for real these days… cos that’s what this is, isn’t it. REAL LIFE.

Guilt, I feel it daily, but I don’t care for it.

I’m learning to let it go. Why should I focus on the small negative voice by pushing out the one that says, “but look at all you HAVE achieved?” I’m trying to listen to that one more.


I know we all have our own parenting styles and it’s ok to say that you’re passionate about your choices even if the other has chosen differently. Our end goal is all the same, happy and loved kids, that’s all that really matters in the grand scheme of motherhood.

10 things I don’t care about since becoming a Mum.1. Poo. Sniffing butts out in public, poo under the nail, every form…

Posted by Life with Harry & Holly on Sunday, October 13, 2019


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