If you’re the parent of a boy, then you know the incredible amounts of fun, love, and excitement that they bring into your life. Accompanying them are also occasionally foul smells, Nerf gun bullets littering every crack & crevice of your house, and a fast-pass to your local Urgent Care for all sorts of shenanigan-induced injuries.
The parents of twitter are quite familiar with the crazy roller-coaster ride that life with a son can be like, so laugh along as they highlight some typical boy stuff.
- Let’s first address the obvious: everything reeks of urine, because BOYS.
How to clean your bathroom when you're a boy mom: 1) Douse the toilet with gasoline. 2) Light it on fire.
— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) October 7, 2016
2. Boys don’t mind the smell of urine, apparently… or any other smell.
My 8-year-old masked the smell of his fart by taking off his shoes and this is all you need to know about having a son.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) January 23, 2019
3. And they definitely have their own sense of style. And weather.
oh it’s gonna be 15 degrees tomorrow? my son better locate his very warmest t-shirt and mesh basketball shorts
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) December 2, 2018
4. But maybe shorts are strategic- easy access?
At least 80% of raising boys is asking them to get their hands out of their pants.
— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) February 23, 2017
5. Because little or not, dudes love their peens.
Just caught my 3 year old strumming his penis like a guitar, in case you were wondering what it’s like to raise boys.
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) February 14, 2019
6. Boys also love a good fight, but they’ll settle for any kind of fight. Over anything.
My boys are fighting over an empty candy container, just FYI if you've got baby fever.
I repeat, the container is empty.
— Salty Mermaid (@Jenn_H_Scott) November 2, 2016
7. Especially if the fight is for a good cause, like bedtime avoidance.
Batman vs. Superman starring my boys in their pajamas fighting to keep each other awake.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) August 23, 2016
8. They have tons of energy, & can’t wait to start their day (or start your day, for you).
Parenting little boys means finding a light saber on your pillow & hearing "wanna battle?" whispered 2 inches from your face. At 6 a.m.
— The 21st Century SAHM (@21stcenturysahm) February 16, 2017
9. As a parent, you “catch” on quickly that there will always be some chaos.
When you're a mom of boys, you stop saying "no throwing in the house" & just learn to catch whatever is thrown your way.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) August 4, 2015
10. Boys manage to find themselves in the oddest places. Literally.
my son just locked himself in a dog cage.
….so we're thinking harvard.— frnkiero: Party Dad (@FrankIero) November 23, 2017
11. Trips to the Urgent Care often become a regular “thing” for boy parents.
My son’s gonna use his skateboard for the first time today if anyone has a cast he can borrow.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) September 22, 2018
12. A lot of boys get distracted by their own imaginations & forget…. everything.
15 minutes until my son's soccer practice.
In kid time, 12 minutes until he looks for his shin guards. 13 minutes until he finds just ONE.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) April 11, 2017
13. But somehow they manage to remember the stuff that’s important- to THEM.
My son forgot his homework, library book & snack, but the important thing is that all 64 of his transformers are packed and ready for school
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) April 6, 2017
14. (Well, maybe not?)
My son just looked at his best friend of 5 years and said "hey you" because he temporarily forgot his name and I've never felt closer to him.
— DaddyJew (@DaddyJew) March 1, 2018
15. Speaking of important to boys- can we say VIDEO GAMES??
Welcome to your son’s 8th birthday, you’re a GameStop rewards member now.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) May 16, 2018
16. So many video games, so little time…
My son just told me he's stressed out because he doesn't have enough time to play all the different video games he wants to.
— Kate Hall (@KateWhineHall) June 20, 2017
17. So basically, life with boys can be pretty much be calculated as:
Raising boys is 43% destruction, 15% grocery shopping, 84% talking about poop, 78% cleaning & 52% farts. You can check my math.
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) February 1, 2018
Life with boys can be… unpredictable, but they still manage to steal their mama’s hearts from day one!
Love these boy stories. All true. And my wife and I can add another hundred more.