18 Hilarious Tweets From Parents Who Live For Coffee Time


While many adults savor a delectable cup of coffee now & then, we parents find it less of a luxury & more a tool for survival. In lieu of SLEEPLESS NIGHTS with a cranky teething baby, parents guzzle coffee. And more coffee. And MORE coffee.

Many parents have a loyal love affair with COFFEE, & for good reason. It’s time for some cawfee talk with these hilarious TWITTER PARENTS!

  1. Coffee is a parent priority. The kids don’t think so, but they can wait. A little.

2. Parents will go to long lengths to get some. On their knees. Literally.

3.  The coffee addiction for parents starts early. Like, 6am early.

4. The KIDS start early, which is why the coffee is essential.

5. By 3pm, we parents need.more.coffee. Stat.

6. The bedtime routine alone requires at least one full cup.

7. Parenting without caffeine can be… challenging.

8. Because kids have way more energy than parents. Always.

9. But the rush of caffeinated adrenaline is AH-mazing!

10. We depend on that daily coffee dose, made just the way we like it. Apparently.

11. Some parents drink iced coffee. (Just kidding. All parents do, because KIDS.)

12. As a parent, drinking your coffee while it’s hot is rare. Like, really, REALLY rare.

13. Coffee can often be a parent’s highlight of a day. Sometimes the only highlight.

14. Coffee is good for you, which is good for those AROUND you.

15. It can also be a great diversionary tactic…

16. That’s why NOT having it can make a parent grumpy.

17. Or just heartbroken.

18. Coffee is survival for parents, so step back & let us order. No, seriously.

Here’s to the joy of the java bean! Thanks, coffee, for helping parents survive since forever.




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