5 Blogging Lessons We Can Learn From The Walking Dead


I’m a little bit addicted to the whole zombie phenomenon, The Walking Dead, etc. There’s always a good excuse for an undead movie marathon and when the apocalypse comes, I feel confident I’ll survive for at least a week. Maybe two if I can get to Walmart before everyone else.


Like most zombie fanatics, I LOVE The Walking Dead. There are actually many lessons to be learned from this post-apocalyptic gem. Some relate to life. Some even relate to blogging.

The Walking Dead

Whether you love or hate the show (we can’t be friends), here are 5 blogging lessons we can learn from The Walking Dead:

Have a Plan

Whether you’re just venturing into blogging or you’ve been in the blogosphere for a while, it’s helpful to have a plan. When will you blog? What will you blog about? Where will you share what you write? How will you survive? Winging it will get you cornered in a dilapidated barn surrounded by those wanting to eat your brains. Well, maybe nothing quite that drastic. It just helps to have a clear-cut plan.

You Control Your Destiny

The world might be infested with intestine-oozing slimeballs, but you control your destiny. So don’t let the naysayers, negative nitwits, or competitive cretonnes get you down! Keep moving forward!

Always Carry a Weapon

You might not need a crossbow like the one Daryl carries or even a sword slung over your shoulder like Michonne, but you need to be armed with something that protects you and sets you apart—namely a niche or angle that makes you unique. Being like every other blog is boring. What sets you apart from all the others? Is it your blog’s name or tagline? Do you blog about a topic that is rarely covered by others? Find your edge and maintain it! It’s your weapon!

When You’re Loud, You Attract Attention

Shoot a gun and zombies come out of the woodwork. Scream and zombies appear on all sides. When you’re loud, you attract attention. And get noticed. So make sure you are visible and out there in your blogging community. Syndicate and submit original content to other sites. Stay active on social media. Do whatever you need to do (and within your comfort zone) to raise the dead!

There’s Always Hope

If you feel like you need to take a break from blogging, do it. Time away often allows us to collect our thoughts and return stronger than ever. Even when things seem hopeless (and trust me, they will), don’t give up. There’s always hope!


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