Acts of Kindness Ideas for Your Whole Family (Free Printables)


As most of us are spending a little more time at home, it’s the perfect time to show those close to you how much you care about them. Even though social distancing may still be in place, there are some easy ways to brighten up someone’s day without coming to close in contact. From randomly calling up someone you love to just tell them how awesome they are to smiling at a stranger, it may be fun to spread random acts of kindness with your family.

You may find yourself happier the more you contribute your time and energy to your community — maybe even feeling like a million bucks. Not to mention, that heartwarming feeling you may get when you see your family want to help out those who need it. Even though you may have to keep your distance, there are a few ways you and your family can show your community support without breaking your budget.

Did you know that people over 55 who volunteer for two or more organizations are 44 percent less like to die early? Turns out, those heart flutters you feel when people appreciate your help are a lot more meaningful than just a “feeling.”

If you’re ready to think of creative ways your family can help to spread kindness and support, check out Mint’s printables below to start on your 30-day Kindness journey.

Kickstart Your Journey With a Healthy Challenge

As the new month approaches, it is the perfect time to start your 30-day challenge. Download our printable and start checking off the boxes. Just by sending a text message to a loved one to say you love them can make a world of a difference, especially during this time spent at home.

Go Out of Your Way to Make Someone’s Day

This month show those around you how cool they are. Print out our kindness complimentary cards and have everyone in your family hand out at least two per week. There’s nothing better than putting an unexpected smile on someone’s face.

Incorporate Visual Reminders

The majority of us love some nice home decor, especially if it has a purpose and meaning behind it. Print out our kindness decor reminders for an added touch to your wall art for your whole family. You could even frame this printable and give it as a gift to one of the kindest people you know.

Be Kind to Yourself

Above all, be kind to yourself. Your family is awesome, and you should know that! Print out our printable, frame it, and hang it on your wall for a little pick-me-up for your family. Especially during this time, we all need to keep our chins high and stick together!

Author Bio:

Kayla Montgomery is a digital content marketer who helps Mint create helpful and compelling stories worth sharing. Her background in digital marketing and creative writing has led her to cover unique topics ranging from business to lifestyle. In her spare time, she enjoys working out, writing for her own blog, traveling, and exploring all the in’s and out’s Austin, Texas has to offer. To learn more, connect with Kayla on LinkedIn at:


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