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Jennifer Vail

Jennifer Vail
I am the wife of an insanely hot husband and the momma of three precious and exhausting kiddos. I have been given way more than I could ever deserve and I really love naps. I refuse to leave the 90's and I own more sequined clothing than a work-at-home mom should, but I'm also not going to part with any of it. Come check me out at ThisUndeservedLife.com!

Moms With Narcissistic Mothers Are Feeling Seen Thanks to a Very Relatable Instagram Post

Social media is ordinarily a difficult place for moms, what with all of the constant comparisons to seemingly-perfect posts of others. Just about any mom...

When The World Locked Itself Inside, I Was Never More Thankful For My Internet...

Remember the days when our parents told us not to talk to strangers on the internet? We were taught to cower in fear when an...

I Need to Socially Distance From My Kids

They fight over chargers. They fight over V bucks. They fight over Poptarts. They fight over chores. They fight in a box, they fight with...

I Have Anxiety, and My Kids Are My Biggest Triggers

I've struggled with anxiety for most of my life. While it's never been an easy battle, it's one I've grown accustomed to and have...

No, Karen, the Promise of Future Grandchildren Doesn’t Make This Stage Of Parenting Easier

It's my favorite daily routine: I steal a few moments away from the kids, log on to social media, settle onto the toilet, and...

Sometimes Kids Just Act Like Jerks. And It’s Not Your Fault.

My kids were hard today. All three of them. Their different personalities and senses of humor and ways of communicating mean every day is...

I Refuse To Get Involved With My Daughter’s Girl Drama

My husband and I worked with teenagers for more than 13 years, and far and away the hardest part of the job was when...

I Have Severe Anxiety, So I Live in Fear of Everything

I wake up every day unable to breathe. I have severe anxiety. My chest is tight, my heart is racing, I tremble, I gasp. I...

Why I Don’t Believe In Having “The Sex Talk” With My Kids

Few words have the ability to quiet a room like sex. In fact, during the nearly 13 years that my husband and I worked with...

Yes, I’m At Home, But No, I Will Not Do That For You

I've been at home for more than 13 years now, since I was put on bedrest with my first pregnancy. I've eased from being...