This Buddy the Elf Wreath Is The Christmas Cheer We All Need To Be Spreading


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I’m in love! I’m in love! And I don’t care who knows it!

With Christmas!


I haven’t bought a turkey for Thanksgiving yet but our tree went up today. I am writing this while basking in the warm glow of the lights and sipping hot cocoa from MY FAVORITE MUG.

The world is such a giant fart at the moment and I am choosing joy.

Joy in the form of a curly-haired human who was raised by elves and has AN APPETITE FOR MAPLE SYRUP.

One of the things I look forward to the most is popping in my Elf DVD and settling in on my couch to cry from laughing. It’s so silly, so innocent, and full of some of the best one-liners of any Christmas movie, ever.

It just isn’t the holiday season until I’ve watched Elf. 

For some, their idea of the perfect holiday season is peaceful, organized, and involves lots of relaxing by the fire.

Me? I attack Christmas like a sugared-up preschooler, sleep-deprived and screaming. Except happy. Always happy. Imagine my absolute joy when I found the perfect wreath to display on my front door so that everyone from my neighbors to the UPS guy knows things are SO FREAKING CHRISTMASSY IN THIS HOUSE.

A Buddy The Elf Face Wreath that proves dreams do come true!

Photo Credit: Etsy

The curly hair! The elated scream-face! It’s so perfect and now it can yell “SANTAAAA! I KNOW HIM!” at anyone who graces my doorstep.

Have you ever seen something so perfect? This wreath is exactly what we all didn’t know we needed in our lives until now. 

You may think it’s a little early for this shit, but life is too short to celebrate Christmas for barely a month.

I observe the holly jolliness from November through February. I count on the pleasant tunes, delicious baked goods, and heartwarming movies to get me through cold days with barely any daylight. It helps to keep me smiling, which is essential since SMILING IS MY FAVORITE.

I hope that if you’re in need of some holiday spirit to get you through the dreary weather and worldwide craziness, the absolute extraness of my favorite cotton-headed ninny muggins can deliver in the form of this ridiculously hilarious wreath.

Because I truly believe that if singing loud for all to hear is the best way to spread Christmas cheer, the second-best way is surrounding yourself with Buddy the Elf everything. It’s certainly better than cramming 11 cookies into the VCR.

Goodbye! Hope you find your dad!


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