AVEENO Eczema Therapy Review


I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for AVEENO. I received product samples to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

About ten years ago, I woke up with a fierce itch on one of my fingers. Within minutes I noticed a tiny (and I mean barely there) single blister. The itching became more intense and I could not stop scratching!


The blister finally broke open and a clear liquid seeped from the spot. Gross, yes. And I apologize for being this graphic.

But in recognition of National Eczema Awareness Month, I feel it’s important to be candid and open so that we can all learn from each other.


As the years have passed, the condition, which was diagnosed by my dermatologist as dyshidrotic eczema, has exasperated. I now have weekly flareups and both my hands and feet are affected—my feet moreso.

I have tried a number of things—changing my diet, eliminating certain things from my diet, using cleaning products that are all natural, and so on—without much success. Even the creams they have prescribed do little to help combat the condition.

That’s why I was so excited to be approached by Mom Central Consulting with an opportunity to review some AVEENO products made specifically to treat the daily struggles of eczema.

For full disclosure, we have been using the Baby AVEENO Eczema Therapy products since our daughter, Aless, was about six months old.

She has terrible atopic dermatitis, a condition that we hope she will eventually outgrow. In the meantime, however, we use the moisturizing wash, cream, and bath treatment.

Although it doesn’t completely clear the flareups, the combo does help minimize the itching and soothe her skin.

I, myself, had never tried the adult AVEENO Eczema Therapy products.

There was always an excuse—not enough time, the kids come first, and so on. This time, I decided to really buckle down and try something new.

I have to say, I’ve been very impressed.

Like my daughter’s condition, the products haven’t quelled the flareups, but they have helped with the severity and itchiness (which can be a bigger problem—often leading to secondary infections).

I liked the fact that the moisturizing cream was lightweight and not a bit greasy. My skin was able to breathe, yet I could tell immediately that it was was working. The products contain ACTIVE NATURALS® Colloidal Oatmeal which has been proven effective in treating some of the symptoms of eczema. Here is picture of what I received:


According to AVEENO’s website, the

“Eczema Therapy Bath Treatment gently cleanses and relieves irritation due to eczema. Then, Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream seals in moisture to protect and help strengthen the skin’s natural barrier function. The kit helps to improve the four symptoms of eczema—itchiness, dryness, irritation and rough skin.”

Since my condition is mostly isolated to my hands and feet, I am now using the bath treatment as a twice daily soak.

I fill up a large soaking pan and literally soak my hands and feet for about a half hour. At night, it is really making a difference. 

I highly recommend this product line no matter which type of eczema you have or how persistent it is. AVEENO has a good thing going and I can almost bet you’ll find some level of relief.

Here’s a little video testimonial.


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