Have You Seen the World’s Worst Playgrounds? Check Out These Hilariously Awful Pictures.


Any parent will know the JOY of taking kids to a playground. The kids get a chance to run around and burn off some energy, it gets Mom or Dad out of the house, and if you’re lucky you get some fresh air and relaxation. But what if the playground you take your kid to is the actual worst?

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I began to wonder about this as I cringed and laughed my way through a viral Facebook post that shows playgrounds from around the world (and presumably from throughout the last few decades) that are absolutely the worst places for kids to play. 

German Facebook user Manuel Mohnke uploaded an image album of nearly 40 images of playgrounds that are so awful it has been shared 60K times and attracted more than 6.5K comments.

But before I tell you more, you should definitely see just how terrible and funny these playgrounds are. 

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

From creepy animals that I am certain were intended to be cute but ended up looking like murderous cartoon characters to lots of weirdly inappropriate buttocks placements, I was left both amused and bewildered. 

This chipmunk (squirrel?) looks like he is coming down from an all-night bender. The bulging eyes and overly emphasized smile are super creepy. This thing must hit different after dark. 

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

But the graveyard is hands-down one of the funniest and strangest playground setups in the entire image album. Can you imagine being a little kid and coming down a slide to land in front of a tombstone?

I wonder if this was supposed to be Halloween props but after what comes next, I honestly can’t say. 

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

One time, my tween was mouthing off to me and I threatened to yeet him into the next century. He said I used yeet wrong. I wish I had had this slide at the ready. 

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

Does anyone else remember Officer Big Mac? He was NOT as cool as the Hamburgler and we all know that’s why he made this list. Just saying. 

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook


Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

If ever there was a depiction of a mother’s joy . . . I mean exhaustion – This is it, y’all.

She might not have a messy bun or yoga pants but she’s definitely got that dead look in her eye that screams “I need sleep, a coffee, a donut, and a damn vacation,” you know?

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

I have some questions about this next one. Was this what inspired that garbage movie, Human Centipede? Why are the kids pulling their pants down? The hell is going on here? Who looked at this design and said, ‘Oh, yes, this is wholesome,’ and finally, WHY?

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

The worst part? Apparently it’s not the only playground like this!! 

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

Well, now, this is just mean. Who was in charge of this placement?

Manuel Mohnke via Facebook

There are so many more hilariously cringe-worthy playgrounds to check out in this image album, you can check them all out on Facebook here. And hey, just think, at least your playground isn’t in here (we hope.)


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