Here Are The Things You Won’t Miss About The Trenches of Motherhood


Every mother in the trenches has heard these sayings:

“Enjoy every minute. You’ll miss this one day.”

“Don’t wish these days away. Every moment is a blessing.”

“Where does the time go? Don’t blink or you’ll miss it.”


Sound familiar??? These are just *some* of the lovely and yet often vomitous sayings that are shoved down our throats all the time as moms in the trenches with young kids. 

Yes, Karen. I know they are only young once, thankyouverymuch. 

Sure, I totally agree that it’s important to be “mindful” and “present” during our time with our little ones. I want to make the most of the time I have with my children while they are still small. We are all well aware how quickly time passes. (I mean, 1999 was like 5 years ago, right?) 

There will be so many things that I will miss when my children are older.

I will miss sloppy baby kisses.

I will miss the impromptu cuddles. I will miss teaching them new things and seeing the pride in their faces afterwards. I will miss being their go-to person when things are good, bad, scary, or exciting. Gosh, I will miss so much. 

The baby and toddler years are hard for new moms. They call them the trenches and although everyone warns you not to miss it, here's what you for sure won't miss about this season of motherhood #filterfreeparents #trenches #babies #toddlers

But I also know with great certainty that there are things I will absolutely not miss about this time in the trenches. No way. No how. No thank you. 

I know I will not miss changing diapers, wiping butts, and anything else related to touching someone’s poop. 

I know I will not miss being unceremoniously and rudely woken up at the crack of dawn. Every. Damn. Day. 

I know I will not miss the public meltdowns and/or the intricately choreographed dance and negotiation skills needed to prevent one. 

I know I will not miss the feeling of wanting to pull my hair out because babies, toddlers, and big kids are all on different schedules and wavelengths, and keeping everyone happy at the same time is hard AF. 

I know I will not miss sleeping issues and the eternal battle that is bedtime because I heart my sleep. 

I know I will not miss hearing the whines of “They hit/pushed/touched/looked/breathed at me!” echoing through the house.

The baby and toddler years are hard for new moms. They call them the trenches and although everyone warns you not to miss it, here's what you for sure won't miss about this season of motherhood #filterfreeparents #trenches #babies #toddlers

There are so many things about the trenches I won’t miss

So, to all the moms in the trenches right now, if you are exhausted and thinking there are some things that you just won’t miss about these days – I totally get it. I’m right down here with you. 

As cliche as it sounds, it is true that the days are long, but the years are short. And one day, before we know it, we will get past these struggles and won’t miss them one bit. (Well, maybe just a tiny bit.)

In the meantime, mamas, cheers to solidarity. We got this. 


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