If You’re Using The Cry-Laughing Emoji Or Wearing Skinny Jeans You’re As Old As Dirt, Apparently


For the past few weeks, I have largely ignored the battle royale brewing over on TikTok between Gen Z and the Millenials. 


You know the one: where Gen Z is calling out “The Olds” for their skinny jeans and side parts.


i don’t think i can ever go back. skinny jeans are still cute tho #swag

? So swag right now – yea

Dragging elder Millenials for broadcasting just how ancient we really are with the jeans we wear and the way we style our hair.


#stitch with @blushliz I’m 24 but apparently I’m 100 ?#middlepart #millennial #genz #adulting #GEICOLipSync #emophase #30plusontiktok #oldface #hair

? middle parts are back apparently – Speedforcecosplay

Like we didn’t BIRTH you, babies.

Some TikTokers have gone so far as to say that they would choose homelessness and even death (which is a wee bit dramatic, don’t you think?) over wearing skinny jeans, they are THAT horrifying.

Awww, bless.

It seems, in all their years of worldly wisdom, (bahahahahaha) the Zoomers have deemed middle parts and mom jeans (I know, the irony) to be cool and thus it must be so.

Here’s the thing younglings. We have BEEN THERE, DONE THAT. And we have the pics to prove it.

Middle parts? Uh, yeah. What Millenial among us doesn’t remember this??

And as for baggy jeans?

I mean, cooooome on. Hello, JNCO Jeans from 1996. (Do the math. Even common core will tell you that’s 25 years ago baby zooms. You were barely even born.)

We KNOW a little something about baggy jeans. We lived it. And eventually, we evolved and became smart enough to dropkick those flares-out-to-there right into the fashion dumpster. May they RIP. FOREVER. Please. 

Photo Credit: Instagram/thehoff45

All the “mod” styles you Gen-Zs are sporting today? We stole them from our ancestors, just like you are.

It’s the circle of life, fashion edition. But go ahead. Mock away. Because while you’re over there thinking you INVENTED middle parts and baggy jeans, we’re over here tweeting memes like this one:

And adding 5 cry-laughing emojis to EVERYTHING.

Which is also totally uncool now apparently. 

According to a recent article in CNN, entitled “Sorry Millenials, The ? Emoji Isn’t Cool Anymore,” it’s not just skinny jeans and side parts that the Zs are taking issue with. Nope. Now they’re hitting us where it really hurts. Right smack in our emoji-loving faces. 

That’s right.

The beloved and most favored emoji of all time, officially dubbed “Face with Tears of Joy” is being dissed.

By a generation that shall forever be known for eating Tide Pods and saying “Sksksksksksk” no less.

It doesn’t matter that it is quite literally the most popular emoji evvvv-er and is tracking over 3 TRILLION Twitter uses to date on Emojitracker.

The under-25 crowd doesn’t like it, therefore, it is no longer worthy of a keystroke. 

Yeah, okay ***dripping with sarcasm***

21-year-old Walid Mohammed told CNN Business:

“I use everything but the laughing emoji. I stopped using it a while back because I saw older people using it, like my mom, my older siblings and just older people in general.”

Ouch, I’ve now officially reached “older people” status.

And he’s not the only Gen-Z to feel this way.

CNN also reported that “seventeen-year-old Xavier Martin called the emoji “bland” and said “not too many people” his age use it.”

And as for twenty-one-year-old Stacy Thiru? She’s not a fan either:

“[Stacy] prefers the real crying emoji because it shows a more extreme emotion and feels more dramatic. She said she couldn’t even find the laughing crying emoji on her iPhone’s keyboard.”

Just in case you don’t think this is official enough, Emojipedia confirms the worst. In their blog post “What Happens in the TikTok Comments,” they say, and I quote:

It’s common wisdom on TikTok that the laughing crying emoji is for boomers. And by boomers I mean anyone over the age of 35.

To which I would just like to respond, a boomer is someone who is born between 1946 and 1964 NOT “anyone over the age of 35.”

But I digress.

Want to take a dip in the fountain of youth? The answer seems simple enough. Ditch the skinnies, part your hair in the middle, and say sayonara to the tears of joy emoji. 

Or…just do what almost every other Millennial has chosen to do. Tell Gen-Z the “OldTok” shall not be shamed and we’re not giving up our skinny jean, side-parting, LOL-cry emoji-loving ways without a fight. 

Mostly on Twitter. Because that’s where all the “Olds” like to hang out.

And let’s face it, anyone who calls yoga pants “flared leggings” is questionable when it comes to their ability to dictate fashion.

Besides, it doesn’t matter what you say, you can’t hurt us, zoomies…most of us were never really that cool anyway.

Plus, we know a thing or two about cyberbullying. After all, we invented it.

As for getting rid of those side parts? It ain’t happening. 

Some Millennials are, admittedly, taking the news a little harder than others, and the retaliation is swift and without remorse.

While others? Didn’t even know they were Millennials until they were today years old.

And then there’s this guy…who has no idea what the hell just happened.

Whether you’re team side part and cry-laughing emoji (GO TEAM!) or team middle part and the skull emoji, the reality is this: every generation does the same thing. They tell the previous generation how old and uncool they are whilst recycling the same trends and fashions of the past and passing them off as their own.

It’s a vicious circle. 

So dear littles, have your fun. Have your baggy jeans and middle parts and bask in the unearned glory that you believe you deserve. The older, wiser, ancients will just be over here, in our stretchy skinny jeans, cry-laughing at the irony of it all.


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