Some Days I Feel Like We Are The Last Family Still Social Distancing


Some days I feel like we are the last family on earth who is still largely self-quarantining.

It often feels very lonely.


As so many other families resumed many normal activities: lunches out with friends, birthday parties, church services, taking a little vacation, or simply relaxing mask-wearing, my family has not.

As many friends in our recovery community went back to meetings, and as painful as it was to stay away, we have.

As annoying as masks are and as much as we want fresh air hitting our faces, we always wear them everywhere.

We don’t let very many people in our house.

We haven’t been to church in 10 months.

We carefully moniter our kids’ school’s Covid count.

We have skipped friends’ weddings and didn’t celebrate the holidays with our parents.

It is excruciating to always say NO.

No, we can’t get together. No, we can’t go to that meeting. No, aren’t going to church. No we shouldn’t get together. No, no, no.

May be an image of purse and food

Friend, if you are feeling like you are stuck in perpetual PAUSE, if you are feeling like the whole world has gone back to socializing and a FULL CALENDAR, if you are feeling LEFT BEHIND, if you are feeling tired of constantly churning out REJECTION REPLIES, if you are feeling guilty for having to EXPLAIN YOURSELF over and over.

You. Are. Not. Alone.

What we were hoping would be over quickly has instead dragged on for soooooo long.

I am tired of it, exhausted by it, and I desperately want to worship in a congregation setting and hug my friends and see everyone’s smiles in person instead of on Zoom.

But we HAVE MADE IT THIS FAR. We have stayed safe and healthy. We have protected not just our homes but our loved ones and neighbors. We are doing the BEST we can in these chaotic times. We are making the right choice for OUR FAMILY.

So this is my encouragement to you: STAY STRONG. I stand in solidarity right alongside you. I got your back, fellow warriors.

My family is IN IT with you. We are connected across the miles. Our love binds us together.

You are NOT alone.

For more, follow me!

This post originally appeared on Faith in the Mess by Melissa Neeb


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