Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party: Funtastical Summer!


ladies only blog share

Summer is here! The kids are out of school! There’s so much to do and experience! But where do you start? Hopefully this week’s Ladies Only Blog Share will give you some inspiration. Our theme “Funtastical Summer” is all about enjoying these warm, inviting days. From sun-kissed recipes and adorable crafts to best vacation spots and everything in between, we want to showcase your best summer goodies! So link up those funtastical summer posts – old or new – and get ready to party hot-weather style.

Here are my awesome and dedicated co-hosts:

Michelle from:


Angela from:

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Tamara from:

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Kristen from:


Make sure to bookmark or RSS feed their blogs and visit them on Facebook, Twitter and so on. They faithfully return the favor! In addition to the link share, three very special bloggers are also being featured. This week they are (in no particular order):

Co-Pilot Mom – When I think about Kim of Co-Pilot Mom, three words come to mind. She’s! Freaking! Awesome! Her thought-provoking, powerful writing is what gets me every time. If there was ever someone I wished would write a book, it’s definitely Kim. Two of my favorite newer posts from her are Bright Through the Clouds and Outside His Room. Need a breath of fresh air? Stop by her blog.

PinkWhen – This post would not be complete without mentioning Jennifer of PinkWhen. This fabulous and creative woman has the summer thing down! Some of my favorite recent posts include a tutorial on how to make your own maxi dress and crafting your own DIY beach tote. Jennifer is also very active in the blogging community and is building a pretty special brand online. I encourage you to stop by her blog and say “Hi!”

Work in Sweats Mama – I appreciate any woman who works from home, manages to get her fitness on, squeezes in blogging, enjoys  traveling and… AND it’s Work in Sweats Mama! If you can keep up with her, you’re bound to break a sweat. Check out her work-from-home savvy posts 5 Things That Suck about Working from Home and Division of Labor – It’s Your Turn to Cook. You’ll also find posts on family life, traveling with kids and breastfeeding, among others.

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Ladies Only Blog Share


Let’s get started! Have fun and visit the links below. We ask that you try to visit at least three. Remember to leave a thoughtful comment on the new blogs you’ve discovered and let them know you’re visiting from the Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party! Feel free to pin your blog post to the Ladies Only Blog Share Pinterest board, too! In the URL field, place the link to your post. The name field should contain the title of your post. And if you’d like to co-host a future link party, give me a shout at mommifried @ (no spaces).

Use the hashtag #LOBS when tweeting!

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