Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party: Laugh a Little!


link party

The past few weeks have been an incredibly stressful time – for all of us. With the recent incidences in Boston, suspicious packages and letters showing up in our nation’s capital and now a terrorist plot unfolding in Canada, we could all use a break and a good laugh. This week’s Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party is all about sharing the humorous and lighter side of our blogging efforts. Please link to what you consider to be your most belly jiggling post of the week. Let’s laugh a little!

I’m super excited that several of my fellow blogging buds agreed to co-host with me. They are:

Michelle from:


Angela from:



Make sure to bookmark or RSS feed their blogs and visit them on Facebook, Twitter and so on. They faithfully return the favor! In addition to the link share, three very special bloggers are also being featured. This week they are (in no particular order):

Make Your Own Damn Dinner: If you’re ever in need of a really good, soul shaking laugh, you’ll want to visit Marie’s blog, Make Your Own Damn Dinner. This former teacher who is proudly pumped up on caffeine (our kind of woman!), has broken down the public tantrum and made us all say “YES!” in her post, Before I Was a Mom. There’s a little something for everyone, so be sure to check her out!

Lemon Drop Pie: Ginny from Lemon Drop Pie has an infectious smile and a way with words. But don’t let the name of her blog fool you! This is NOT a recipe or food blog. No ma’am. This is her story, her little slice of life. After you visit her blog, make sure to join her G+ Community, which fits this week’s link party theme perfectly: Live, Laugh, BLOG!

Epic Mommy Adventures – Meet Wonder Woman! Seriously! Natasha of Epic Mommy Adventures is a mom, consultant and currently attending graduate school. Whew! Oh…she also manages to find time to blog. One of her most popular posts, 10 Things You Should Never Say To A Working Mom, will leave you cheering. Look at all of the awards this momma has won!

Okay, let’s get started! Have fun and visit the links below. Remember to leave a thoughtful comment on the new blogs you’ve discovered! And if you’d like to co-host a future link party, give me a shout at mommifried @ (no spaces).

In the URL field, place the link to your post. The name field should contain the title of your post.


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