Ladies Only Blog Share: How Does Your Garden Grow?


ladies only blog share

Welcome to our bi-weekly Ladies Only Blog Share link party, where the most awesome bloggers on the planet link up and share posts! Our theme this week is How Does Your Garden Grow? This might mean different things for different people. Some might take it literally and link up their favorite gardening posts. For others, like me, I think of growing a garden in non-traditional ways. Each week my recipe garden grows as I create new dishes in the crock pot. I’m also growing a beautiful photo garden with every snap of my camera. Feel free to get creative and link up anything you consider to be growing beautifully! Have fun and enjoy!

Once again, here are my talented and dedicated co-hosts:

Michelle from:


Angela from:

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Tamara from:

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Kristen from:


Make sure to bookmark or RSS feed their blogs and visit them on Facebook, Twitter and so on. They faithfully return the favor! In addition to the link share, three inspirational bloggers are also being featured. This week they are (in no particular order):

Joyful Scribblings – Meet Dawn from Joyful Scribblings! Her dream for her blog is to share the things that bring her joy with an occasional musing of something she has learned on her journey through life. Her posts are often infused with sunshine, offering hope and sure to bring a smile to your face. Check out her categories Smile and Simple Joys to brighten your day!

Too Darn Happy – Another blogger destined to bring a little hope to this world is Kim from Too Darn Happy. Her Encouragement category will help you find joy in your life, learn how to take on life’s little (and not so little challenges) and inspire you to find gratitude even in times of despair. Her most recent post I Need You and You Need Me is among my all-time favorites. Please check it out when you have a moment!

The Sticky Mom – Kate of The Sticky Mom blog is another woman I equate to goddess! Not only does she have a beautiful family and writing style, but she is also honest and forthcoming about motherhood – something we all can appreciate. I thoroughly enjoyed reading her recent post on infertility and just how far she has come. Her message: don’t give up! She’s proof that life does give us miracles!

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Ladies Only Blog Share

Let’s get started! Have fun and visit the links below. We ask that you try to visit at least three. Remember to leave a thoughtful comment on the new blogs you’ve discovered and let them know you’re visiting from the Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party! Feel free to pin your blog post to the Ladies Only Blog Share Pinterest board, too! In the URL field, place the link to your post. The name field should contain the title of your post. And if you’d like to co-host a future link party, give me a shout at mommifried @ (no spaces).

Use the hashtag #LOBS when tweeting!

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