Let Bark Be Your Village


Let Bark Be Your Village – 600 words

No matter how much of a modern mama you are, there is no way to do All The Things by yourself when raising kids. We each need our village to help us stay sane and keep our families going strong.

And now that my kids are old enough to have phones and be more independent from me (seriously, how do they grow so fast!?) I am finding that I need to expand my village to help me make sense of their digital worlds. To get Bark, simply head over to their website and where you can sign up for a free 14-day trial and give Bark parental controls a whirl. Use our code MEREDITH for a discount of 20% off for the life of your subscription plan.

If you think about it, when we were kids, we used simple tech like street lamp posts lighting up to tell us it was time to go home. And the only thing to fear was the neighborhood bully on a Huffy bike who wanted your spare change or new kicks.

These days though, bullies have morphed into a terrifying Hydra of social media dangers from predators, identity theft, nasty trolls, deep fakes, and troubling TikTok challenges, to name a few.

That’s why my village includes the folks at Bark to help me keep a sharp eye on everything digital that my kids are exposed to.

Bark is a parenting control monitoring app that allows you to see exactly what dangers are lurking in all those candy-colored apps on your kids’ phones.

They have partnered with brilliant folks from Sandy Hook Promise, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, The National Police Foundation and more to make sure they are up to date on all the ways to keep kids online safe.

With just a few simple clicks, parents can monitor screentime, filter websites they don’t like, and monitor what type of content kids are engaged with.

Amazingly, that monitoring includes texts, emails, more than 30 popular social media apps, and creates parent alerts when red flags are triggered.

What I love most about Bark is how seriously they take children’s safety.

In 2020, the Bark team analyzed more than two billion messages from texts, emails, YouTube, and more than 30 apps and what they found was astonishing.

For example, did you know that 78% of tweens were talking about drugs and alcohol? 44.1% of tweens were involved in scray selh-harm situations.

70.9% of tweens encountered nudity or sexual content online.

You know what Bark does?

It alerts parents when this stuff happens, because it literally takes a village to raise digitally smart, tech kids now. If you’re curious to learn more, you can check out that annual report here

To get Bark, simply head over to their website and where you can sign up for a free 14-day trial and give the Bark app a whirl.

To get Bark, simply head over to their website and where you can sign up for a free 14-day trial and give Bark parental controls a whirl. Use our code MEREDITH for a discount of 20% off for the life of your subscription plan.

And remember, mamas, this parenting gig is the most challenging thing we’ll ever do, but we don’t have to do it alone. We can build a tough village together with Bark.


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