Each day I get messages and emails from members of the community, new followers, and people who need to vent. Answering my messages is one of my most favorites things to do. I get to connect with people from the community on a much more personal level. Last week I got an email from a Mom who told me that she was invisible. Her words brought tears to my eyes. I too feel invisible at times. It is normal to feel under appreciated and over worked. As Moms we haul an immense amount of emotional stress each day, along with backpacks, toys, water bottles, diaper bags, blankets, and snacks. We can feel like pack mules at times. The stress can break us down. It can cloud our worth. It can make us feel invisible. I sat down after reading the email and made this video to remind you of your worth. To remind you that without each and every Mom out there, things would fall apart. We do not only affect our families, but the families that our children interact with. The last thing you are is invisible. Share this with a mom who needs this message today.
If you would like to scoop the poop with me, you can pick up a copy of my book and join me on this crazy journey!