My Thoughts on Lance Armstrong, Self-Serving Tygarts and What Martha Stewart Would Say


It was a sad morning to wake up and read headlines talking about Lance Armstrong on the verge of being banned from the world of cycling FOREVER and losing his seven Tour de France titles (which is now a reality) – all at the hands of a little outfit known as the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency or more specifically, it’s fearless (and obviously narcissistic) chief, Travis Tygart. Non-analytical evidence is being used this time around – testimony from fellow cycling teammates, several who claim they saw Armstrong inject himself with “EPO”, a naturally occurring hormone.

No one can say for sure what really happened – but Armstrong has stressed time and time again that he is innocent. Whether or not you believe him, he has passed hundreds of drug tests and was exonerated of all charges years ago. Obviously, that wasn’t good enough for some.

I believe Armstrong, like Martha Stewart and the whole securities fraud fiasco, is the victim of witch hunting. Both are very public personalities who have each seen much success. They have garnered the love and attention of millions adorning fans around the world. They have tremendous influence and power. For these reasons, they were easy targets. They have been made scapegoats; high profile victims of authorities who deem it necessary and who will go to any lengths to make very public statements. These actions are not noble, they are desperate and tragic.

It is truly disheartening to see our time and money wasted on making a mockery out of certain celebrities and athletes, particularly those where the evidence is not as clear as day. Armstrong, like Stewart, is not another Bernie Madoff or Allen Stanford, where the evidence indicates that they did indeed break the law. It’s downright pathetic that we have public officials and political leaders chasing petals in the wind and that the powers that be, whoever they are, allow these debacles to continue. Can we not focus on those committing real crimes – say, pedophiles and terrorists?

I’m sick of Tygarts. I mean, what good does a Tygart do for the world, really? What monumental positive impact does a Tygart have on people, families and causes? Absolutely none. Tygarts seek out self-serving opportunities for notoriety, opportunities to be remembered for “something”. On the other end, you have Armstrong doing a world of good and touching so many lives through his foundation. Why beat a dead horse and place the work he does at risk?

I believe if Stewart was with Armstrong now, she would offer the following advice:

“Getting over those unexpected hurdles may not be exactly enjoyable, but ultimately I believe that such challenges and the solutions we find give us more confidence.They teach us with common sense and determination we can turn what looks like a disaster into a triumph.”

For Armstrong, these are just bumps in the road. He has maneuvered around them his entire career. He’s an inspiration and continues to do incredible work via the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I hope he doesn’t let these new challenges be the ones that stop him on his continued journey of greatness. He has overcome near disasters many times before. He will overcome this one, too, and triumph.