Toddler Sends Nude Pics Of Mom’s Butt To Snapchat Friends, And We Want To Die For Her


Kids these days are little wizards when it comes to technology. Back in our day, our technological highlight was typing the digits “8008” onto our calculator screens, because when flipped upside-down you got “BOOBS”, and that was hilarious, obviously.


But today’s toddlers are alarmingly proficient when it comes to tech tasks. While it takes my young son four minutes to put his shoes on, he can delete three apps & open Netflix on my iPhone in 12 seconds.

One mom has become every parents’ social media hilariously horrific cautionary tale after her 2-year-old snapped explicit photos of her & managed to send them to her friends & colleagues.

Photo Credit: Emily Schmitt (Facebook)

Ohio mom Emily Schmitt’s Most Embarrassing Day EVER started out fairly ordinary; the mom of four was freshly showered & drying her hair sans clothes as her 2-year-old daughter Carsyn lounged on Emily’s bed.

Unbeknownst to Emily, however, Carsyn wasn’t playing on a game app as her mom thought. She was cheekily snapping some secret pics of Mama’s CHEEKS.

(Her booty. Her bum. Ass. Badunkadonk.)

Yup. Carysn fired off a few surreptitious shots of Emily in her rump-tastic glory.

However, it gets worse. (Or, in terms of OUR enjoyment factor, better. So much better.)

Being the impish little tech genius that she is, Carsyn then managed to fire off the nude booty shots via Snapchat to several of Emily’s friends & colleagues.

Within seconds, Emily’s booty was bouncing into the inboxes of numerous associate of Emily’s, including, as she explained in her Facebook post:

A fellow agent. A past client. A guy from college. An old coworker.

Sweet baby Jesus, no. NOOOOO.

Emily had a few moments of blissful ignorance…. until she looked at her phone & noticed a Snapchat message from a coworker saying:

Thanks for the nude.

Whelp. Um… at least the recipient politely appreciated the gesture, right?

And that was just a coworker- can you imagine the reaction of a former real estate client who also received it??

“Oh, look, our agent Emily -you remember lovely Emily Schmitt, the one who sold us this house- looks like she sent me a pic on Snapchat! I wonder if it’s pic of the hou- oh. OHHH. Is that her- oh, my. That’s QUITE a thank-you gesture.”

While we’re already cringing in embarrassed horror for Emily, our reaction understandably pales to Emily’s own; as she explained when interviewed by International Business Times,

I literally think I died for a minute then came back to life so I could tell people what happened.

And of course the pics ended up going to people that Emily DOESN’T frequently interact with on Snapchat, because that’s exactly how catastrophically embarrassing incidents tend to go, don’t they??

As Emily scrolled the list of folks that were gifted with this unexpected gem of a message, she could see that:

“Oh, there’s the guy I went to college with who had a crush on me’ and, ‘Oh, there’s a past client of mine.’”

(While Emily must have been dying a thousand deaths, I’m thinking the college-crush-dude was thinking this was his

After taking a moment to no doubt debate changing her identity & starting a new life, Emily shifted into damage-control mode, & ASSessed the damage.

Thankfully only 15 people received the pic- it deleted immediately after opening and no one took a screenshot (sorry, College Crush Dude- if only you’d moved faster!) While 15 people is still 15 too many when you’ve unwillingly sent out a candid pic of your, well, ASSets, at least the situation was relatively controlled.

To her credit, Emily then took to her Facebook page to offer a public apology to any friends & real estate colleagues that may have seen WAY MORE of her than they expected.

And Facebook totally has her back; her post now has 14K shares & 6K likes, because anyone with a toddler & a phone feels her pain (as well as those who perhaps don’t, but have sent nudes they now regret. You know who you are).


Good point; a live peep show would have been harder to live down. (One word: CORONABUSH.)

What’s with toddlers & their obsession with their mom’s butts?? Maybe it’s because they’re so squishy… according to MY toddler son, anyway. Thanks, kid.

And speaking of squishy…

The “busted” can of biscuits- so, so good. It’s funny because its TRUE.

Yeah… maybe stick with the 16-year-old. Teens are automatically embarrassed by their parents’ existence- they certainly wouldn’t be sharing their asses on Snapchat (literally).

Yeah, I’m with Sarah on this one. If my ass was popping up on Snapchat, I’d be popping myself in a cave.

Without wifi, of course. And without mirrors, because not being young & cute either, I’d prefer no visual reminders of Booty Gate 2020.

Although Emily is still no doubt feeling cringey, at least her ass is apparently as young & cute as Sarah thinks- at least according to Ashley, who was gifted with it’s sudden appearance in HER inbox:

We feel your pain, Emily. Others have been there. Well, maybe not with their unaware ass sliding into their colleague’s DMs, but heading in feet-first:

So remember, fellow parents- a phone in a toddler’s hand isn’t always a fun distraction, but occasionally a weapon of m(ass) destruction… on social media, anyway.


Since the initial shock is over, and the freakout moments already passed, and the acceptance phase has arrived, I figure I would share what happened to me yesterday. ?????Toddler for sale.

Posted by Emily Schmitt on Monday, October 12, 2020







  1. I raised two Giant, intelligent boys. I went to school and received 4 parent Ed credits. Rule if you can’t legally drive, don’t touch the fob, which by the way are Very expensive to replace, do you have that extra cash? No, cuz your 4 years old! Same goes with cell phone, can you replace it ? Do you have a job I don’t know about? Good training for no tv till homework is done! I put actual lock on tv cable?Then it was only public tv, no cable, sorry, no $ for that crap. Parents Please, do I have to look thru my purse for your balls? As a ex teacher how hard do you think it is to teach and retrain at the same fing time? The no no place was as high as possible so they can’t reach and you’ll hear them trying to. Don’t make it punitive talk to the ITEM not the child before you put it up. Fighting toys go up there, game controllers go up there, they can problem solve with fob and phone. No disrespect intended, just some old mom advice.


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